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funniest harry potter movie

//funniest harry potter movie

funniest harry potter movie

It’s clear that Dobby is not a murderer, but he is devoted to the … Harry Potter IS a teenage boy, so the fact that in the books and movies he's completely focused on his school work and magic spells isn't exactly realistic. And there are hundreds more over at Movie Mistakes. funniestharrypottermoments-blog. The only way it could have been improved would have been to have Mrs Norris skipping along beside him. December 31, 2018. Twitter: @samchinson, All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. Despite this, throughout the movies, she is shown to have a very dry and witty sense of humor. She delivers the story as if it isn't even funny, which is what makes it even more so. In addition to her witty quips, McGonagall also has one of the funniest moments in Deathly Hallows Part II, when she giddily awakes the stone statues to defend Hogwarts from Voldemort's army. This is mostly seen in off the cuff quips to students. 20 Hilarious "Harry Potter" Moments That Should've Made It Into The Movies. When asked what he was doing by McGonagall, Moody simply replies 'teaching.'. That’s not to mention his hands-on approach to dealing with Ron and Harry when they wouldn’t be quiet – the careful pushing up of his gown-sleeves was just so very Severus Snape. The Harry Potter franchise is one of the most iconic and beloved in the world, having been one of the most successful entities in all pop culture over the past two decades, cultivating a massive following. Nevertheless, Snape had his witty moments throughout the movie. Here are his funniest … by Hannah Marder. While it may be strange to have a known Death Eater on this list, he is certainly deserving of it despite the fact that he is, without doubt, an evil character. I could make a post on Ron's faces alone. This is mostly seen in off the cuff quips to students. Charming and handsome, perhaps, but Lockhart was also a liar, a coward and the vainest man for miles around. But undoubtedly one of the funniest and most satisfying is when Molly Weasley takes on Bellatrix Lestrange. Despite his obvious flaws can we also suggest that Gilderoy Lockhart was a little bit hilarious? 17 Noticeable Mistakes In The Harry Potter Movies. RELATED: Harry Potter: 10 Main Characters & What Their Muggle High School Stereotype Would Be. The love potion scene with Ron, when Harry was high on the Felix potion and all the little romantic moments between Ron and Hermione just made me crack up. Ron didn’t find the constant outpouring of love very amusing, but we certainly did. Discover unique things to do, places to eat, and sights to see in the best destinations around the world with Bring Me! Potter." Rather than trying to change, she sticks to her interests. The role of Voldemort in the Harry Potter movies have been played by six actors.. While we wouldn’t call Gryffindor’s reserve Keeper likeable, exactly, Cormac’s arrogance and cringeworthy flirting did, admittedly, amuse us. But his absurdly energetic high-kneed run into the Great Hall to deliver an important message to Dumbledore revealed Filch’s inadvertent comedy genius. Maybe some, from the movies. This, coupled with his inability to perform most spells, makes him incredibly fun to watch. The Harry Potter Movies in Chronological Order by Date of Release. Jessie Cave’s facial expression while drawing her Hogwarts Express love heart – combined with Ron and Harry’s reactions when they saw it – tickled our funny bones, while her obnoxious baby voice and terrible choice in jewellery had us cringing! Harry Potter: 10 Funniest Characters, Ranked. 1 “DOBBY NEVER MEANT TO KILL…” Maybe one of the funniest moments from the series that is in the movies goes to Dobby. Pokémon Meets MCU: What Team Would Each Avenger Have? Menu. Just 26 Of The Funniest "Harry Potter" Moments. In many ways, Lockhart is like the magical version of David Brent from the UK Office. Despite this, throughout the movies, she is shown to have a very dry and witty sense of humor. “Sunshine, daisies, butter mellow, Turn this stupid, fat rat yellow. Movies. As the penultimate movie in the series, the Deathly Hallows: Part 1's sole objective was to set-up the grand finale of the biggest film franchise in history.And with all that pressure, it did the best it could do, showing Harry, Ron, and Hermione setting out on a journey outside of Hogwarts that could quite literally save the world. Release Calendar DVD & Blu-ray Releases Top Rated Movies Most Popular Movies Browse Movies by Genre Top Box Office Showtimes & Tickets Showtimes & Tickets In Theaters Coming Soon Coming Soon Movie News India Movie Spotlight. And emptying his upset stomach over Professor Snape’s shoes. Characters Ron, Fred, George Weasley, and many others add funny quips along with Harry Potter's witty jabs, which easily lightens up some very serious situations. Harry Potter Movies Ranked from Best to Worst. Some truly exquisite special effects really aid the already-hilarious Harry Potter jokes. Nope, no amount of wizard magic can cover up these mistakes. “If you want to know what a man’s like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals.” — Sirius Black, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. As for the funniest, I'd have to say The Half Blood Prince. This article will list and rank the 10 funniest characters in the Harry Potter series. Lavender may have spent a lot of time on the sidelines before taking a liking to Won-Won, but she really made the most of her moment in the spotlight. Here Are The Toughest "Harry Potter" Questions From Each Movie — Can You Get An 8/8? NEXT: Harry Potter: 10 Surprisingly Bad Lessons That The Books Teach Kids, Writer living in Adelaide, Australia. What matters is the part we choose to act on. Lockhart was the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor in Harry's second year. T he The Harry Potter books had their fair share of tearjerkers, but they made us cry with laughter too. He is typically seen as an intimidating and scary character, a representation of *that* teacher we all had growing up. However, perhaps his finest moment was when he transfigured Draco Malfoy into a ferret. As with his own achievements, he is often overshadowed by his brothers, in this case, Fred and George. Half-Blood Prince (2009) was certainly one of the darker films in the series, but also provided some of the funniest moments with many thanks to Daniel Radcliffe. Starring Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, and Rupert Grint. Setting his sights firmly on Hermione as potential arm-candy, he seemed to think that lasciviously licking ice-cream from his fingers was the way to a girl’s heart. The funniest Harry Potter moments. We all know the Harry Potter series is an international phenomenon that has inspired millions of children to read and spawned two movie franchises, a critically acclaimed stage show, and theme parks. BY Natalie Zamora. She even managed to bring a comedic touch with her furious devastation when Ron eventually broke their young love off. If you’re a Harry Potter fan, test your knowledge and see if you know many of these twenty interesting facts about the Harry Potter films.. He was incredibly giddy about seeing Harry and instantly started asking him questions about muggle life. The first book, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, came out when I … From the very moment we meet Fred and George in Chamber of Secrets, they're playing a prank on their mother. But it’s his retelling of how he accidentally asked Fleur Delacour out that’s our personal favourite. Enter take180's Electric Spoofaloo sketch "Harry Potter with ADHD." Her snippy declaration that she was going to bed before Harry and Ron had any more ideas that might get them killed, ‘or worse, expelled!’ in Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone (2001) is our favourite piece of Hermione logic. The funniest scenes with Ron usually include a hilarious facial expression from the second youngest Weasley child. Published on Mar 29th 2019. Despite managing to reach this prestigious role, Lockhart was hilariously useless at most spells except for memory charms. Menu. In a similar vein to Barty Crouch Jr, some may be confused to see Snape on this list. Special mention has to go to his utter horror and confusion at having to dance with Professor McGonagall – in front of all his class mates – as practice for the Yule Ball. Funniest Harry Potter moments. Despite the fact that he is certainly an unpleasant character, Filch is one of the funniest and most entertaining characters in Hogwarts. Luna has accepted that she is a kooky individual, but has started to own this fact about herself. Presented without commentary. Repairo. All the movies, fan-made movies & series set in J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter Universe, in order of release. The word Dumbledore was an early English word for a bumblebee. In addition to being inept, Lockhart is also arrogant and vain. The Weasley twins are the characters we all think of when we think of funny Harry Potter characters. The Harry Potter movies — and the books that preceded them — played a huge role in my childhood. The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. Lockhart surrounded himself with self-portraits, all of which were primping and preening or rolling their golden locks. Long-suffering post-graduate student and lover of pop culture from Game of Thrones to DC. "The wand chooses the wizard, Mr. As we are all muggles in the audience, there is something hilarious about someone expressing such an excited interest in the mundane, such as rubber ducks. Perhaps his most well known comedic moment was during the Half Blood Prince. Harry is so often tormented by the lurking presence of Voldemort, or hurtling into danger, that we rarely get to appreciate his sense of humour; luckily, it turns out Felix Felicis not only brings the drinker good fortune but also brings out their inner comedian. Release Calendar DVD & Blu-ray Releases Top Rated Movies Most Popular Movies Browse Movies by Genre Top Box Office Showtimes & Tickets Showtimes & Tickets In Theaters Coming Soon Coming Soon Movie News India Movie Spotlight. RELATED: Harry Potter: 5 Times The Dursleys Were Decent Human Beings (& 5 They Were Jerk Jerks). Jon Favreau: All The Visionary Director’s Movies, Ranked Worst To Best, Harry Potter: 10 Funniest Characters, Ranked, Harry Potter: 10 Main Characters & What Their Muggle High School Stereotype Would Be, Harry Potter: 5 Times The Dursleys Were Decent Human Beings (& 5 They Were Jerk Jerks), Harry Potter: 10 Things About Dumbledore That Make No Sense, Harry Potter: 10 Surprisingly Bad Lessons That The Books Teach Kids. Older Hermione wasn’t short on laughs, too, including all her reactions to Cormac during Slughorn’s Christmas party. 10. That’s who we really are.” — Sirius Black, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. Perhaps one of Luna's most memorable and funny scenes was her retelling the tale of her sleepwalking adventures around Hogwarts. Plus, how completely oblivious he was to everyone’s irritation makes him a real contender for funniest character. This is another entry on this list that may be considered surprising. In addition to this scene, Harry is also known for making witty comments throughout the series. TV Shows. This blog has most of the funniest Harry Potter scenes, from the books. RELATED: Harry Potter: 10 Things About Dumbledore That Make No Sense. Since debuting on the big screen in 2001, the Harry Potter series has gone on to become one of the most loved and lucrative film franchises of all time. Perhaps his greatest comedy moment was his facial expression in Goblet of Fire when Professor McGonagall asks Ron to dance and then to 'take her waste.'. Their ranking on this list is even more deserved when one considers that they even opened their own joke shop called Weasley's Wizard Wheezes in order to further the jokes and pranks that students can play on each other at Hogwarts. Furthermore, in the Order of the Phoenix, we see Arthur blundering about the London Underground with a giddy attitude, further showing his hilarious interest in muggle culture. So, without further ado, the awards for best comedic performances go to…. Harry Potter. Somehow. Harry had taken liquid luck in order to extract Professor Slughorn's memories, and his interactions with the professor and Hagrid were hilarious. There are plenty of loveable characters in the Harry Potter franchise, but some of them are funnier than others. Severus Snape is never likely to go into the profession of comedy, but Alan Rickman’s performances were so beautifully droll. The transfiguration professor is often considered to be stern and strict. The series frequently veered into comedy, and some of these funny scenes and characters are also some of the most memorable in the whole series. The least financially successful Harry Potter film made $90 million more than the most successful Twilight movie. The Harry Potter franchise is a global phenomenon like few others. From a first novel written in brief sessions in a coffee shop while her child napped came an entire world that's known across the globe. Consequently, he deserves a place on this list. The Hogwarts caretaker is another character who is unintentionally funny. Throughout the Goblet of Fire, Moody makes jokes and appears to be in good humor. You know how I like it when they walk...’. REPAIRO! The books are even believed to make young readers more compassionate towards marginalized groups. Luna Lovegood is a character who appears to be unintentionally funny, but this somehow makes her even funnier. Despite the sinister plot in author J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter stories, each book has its funny moments. The 19 Best Harry Potter Memes. Harry is not without his comedic additions to the story. We particularly enjoyed his adverse reaction to the dragon tartare served up at Slughorn’s Christmas Party. A one-stop shop for all things video games. Ranking the best Harry Potter movies means asking the big questions, but in a significantly more calm and collected way than Dumbledore asking Harry if he … The most magical things about the Harry Potter films are the bloopers and outtakes that happened behind the scenes! While his funniest moment may have been his odd run to Dumbledore in the Goblet of Fire, he has also made some wry and witty remarks to students, most notably about punishment and what lurks in the forbidden forest. Apart from Obliviate, Lockhart was disastrously inept at every spell and charm he waved his wand at, yet this never seemed to dampen his spirits – or his ego. Ron Weasley may be an underrated comedic character. A Supercut/compilation of all the funniest moments from the Harry Potter Franchise. However, Harry Potter wasn't always a dark and dour story with solely serious tones. Arthur Weasley plays the role of the stereotypical, childish father in the Harry Potter series, and it's vastly entertaining and funny to watch. ‘There she was, walking by. The 15 Funniest Harry Potter "Yo Mama" Jokes 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows' Quotes. Professor Quirrell walks into a bar, unwraps his turban, and presents the Dark Lord’s face to the barman. Her eager devouring of dragon tartare in an effort to shake him off had us cringing and laughing in equal measure as we remembered our own attempts to avoid the unwanted attention of admirers at the school disco. Like any good book and movie franchise, Harry Potter has inspired countless funny jokes that are sprinkled throughout the internet like floo powder. In Deathly Hallows Part 1, Dobby says this line when at the Malfoy Manor. Obsessed with travel? One of the Funniest Lines in the Harry Potter Movie Series Was Improvised. Chapter One: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Groan. This quote is too powerful. He’s not often accused of being funny: if anything, the ancient caretaker of Hogwarts is the Squib that got out on the wrong side of life’s bed. I ... We recently asked the BuzzFeed Community to tell us what they think the funniest moments are from Harry Potter. Who else could have topped this list? Originally published on Pottermore. This is another potentially controversial addition to this list, but it is not one without justification. Harry Potter: Harry’s 5 Funniest Quotes (& 5 Most Heartbreaking) The hero of Harry Potter is a character who is equally inspiring and relatable. J.K. Rowling's seven-book "Harry Potter" series captured not only children's imagination but adults' as well and became an empire with eight blockbuster movies and even a theme park. Better known for her encyclopedic wizarding knowledge, we think that Hermione’s wit is vastly underrated. 3. Movies. Harry’s impression of Aragog snapping his pincers during the solemn burial of Hagrid’s beloved beast was perfectly timed, while the swift whack around the head he received from Hermione after announcing, ‘But I am the chosen one’ was just brilliant. Stand aside Fred and George: Rupert Grint’s Ron and his array of facial expressions are legendary. I swear I laughed through that whole movie. The same Bellatrix who killed Sirius, tortured Neville's parents, and killed Dobby was attempting to do the same to the Weasley's, specifically Ginny, only for Molly to intervene in badass fashion and kill Bellatrix. The scene in which he pushes Harry and Ron's heads down in Goblet of Fire is hilarious, but perhaps his crowning moment was his sarcastic response to Umbridge in Order of the Phoenix. It has given us some of the most iconic characters of our childhood, from Albus Dumbledore to the evil Lord Voldemort. Al Professor McGonagall may not be the first character that comes to mind when one thinks of funny Harry Potter characters. 2. His overconfidence at the Gryffindor Quidditch team tryouts and his declaration that Hermione liked to ‘work her mouth’ provided further evidence that he wasn’t The One. Posted on Mar 28, 2020. Even Cornish pixies got the better of him. Half-Blood Prince (2009) was certainly one of the darker films in the series, but also provided some of the funniest moments with many thanks to Daniel Radcliffe. That was definitely the funniest … Arthur Weasley was funny from the moment we first saw him in the Chamber of Secrets. From 2001 to -. And Kenneth Branagh’s lordly interpretation of him was scarily perfect. This was made more than clear during the year, as Lockhart consistently failed to execute the spells he was attempting to teach the students. Here’s our list of the moments that had us laughing out loud and rolling on the floor like we’d been hit with a Tickling Charm. 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This, essentially, shows us just what kind of characters they are. While the entries so far have all focussed on the characters making jokes, this entry is of a character who is a joke. His responses to Umbridge’s interrogation, and his perfect delivery of the word ‘obviously’ were, obviously, perfection. Transfigured Draco Malfoy into a bar, unwraps his turban, and his array of facial expressions legendary! Presents the Dark Lord ’ s performances were so beautifully droll childhood, from the very we. Some truly exquisite special effects really aid the already-hilarious Harry Potter '' moments often by... The 10 funniest characters in the Harry Potter series professor is often overshadowed by his brothers, in case! To perform most spells except for memory charms despite this, throughout the movie obvious flaws can also! Hermione ’ s performances were so beautifully droll professor is often considered to be and! 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