Yoda was a bad ass - we saw him take on Count Dooku and the Emperor! Just before this, Kylo Ren easily took down Finn, who has spent his entire life in combat training, and was not suffering from a substantial wound like his opponent. 10 Killed His Fellow Students — In the end, this was all the result of another manipulation by Palpatine His base health is 750. He is easily able to move objects with his mind from great distances and has other abilities that suggest he is more than capable of defeating his Apprentice, Kylo Ren. Between his evil machination and his ability to cast Force Lightning, he likely would have beaten Kylo Ren in a fight. That's what everyone, including Snoke, believes until the fateful moment when Kylo succeeds in tricking Snoke right before he turns on the lightsaber sitting beside him on his throne. Both became truly powerful, but their relationship got a little hostile. He was exposed to the dark energies of the Shadow Generator super-weapon on Melachor V, which altered his physiology in various ways. It jeopardizes his ability to maintain his focus on the dark side and harness its power. Meanwhile, Luke uses the Force to bound Leia and Finn and they all encourage Rey to still fight against Kylo Ren. (3) Darth Sidious: could arguably stalemate Yoda or even beat him, especially by the time of ROTJ and DE. Luke is a Jedi. There's a lot of takes on the internet that say Kylo Ren is stronger than even his beloved grandfather Darth Vader. In a way, he did bring balance to the Force by reducing it to almost nothing, but that's not what the Jedi Council had in mind when they took him in. One night, Skywalker entered Solo's room and looked into Solo's mind as he slept. Kylo Ren demands he is more stronger than Rey! If he had been given a chance to take on Palpatine properly, there are just as many reasons why he'd emerge the victorious ruler of the galaxy, rather than at the bottom of a pit. Confronting fear is the destiny of a Jedi. He would have wiped the floor with Kylo Ren -- and possibly still could. He left the Jedi Order following his participation in the Mandalorian Wars and became the commander of a large invasion fleet of Sith vessels declaring war on the Republic. Eventually, he moves from the dark side of the Force to the light, but along the way, he takes out powerful enemies, pulls a Star Destroyer from orbit onto a planet, and masters just about every Force power known. Given Rey is just beginning and she has already wounded Kylo Ren in a fight, she will likely exceed his power even further. One of those Jedi was Ben Solo, who eventually became a Sith named Kylo Ren. He unwittingly caused the passing of his wife while trying to save her and turned on his Master as the newly christened Darth Vader. Doing so would make him stronger and keep him alive, but his condition worsened to the point that he had to bind his spirit within his armor and mask. Try as he might, Kylo Ren is not a true Sith, but a dark side adept who was trained by someone with a fascination for the ancient Jedi enemy. 2 1st Order Troopers Weak Ranged Minor Deck ... and it’s appropriately a tad weaker than the version our Yoda currently uses. Volatile, chaotic, and wielding a fiery blade with righteous fury, Kylo Ren is a unique villain in the Star Wars Universe. He was instrumental in shutting down Anakin's rise to the dark side, he watched over and helped bring Luke Skywalker into the Force. Given his reflexes in Star Wars: The Force Awakens, as soon as Palpatine attempted to shoot bolts of Force lightning, Ren would have them stalled before they ever touched him. Even after he passed away, his Force Ghost continued to steer the course of events in the galaxy. He’s actually quite darker and stronger than you think. Who is stronger than Darth Vader? And he wasn't bad with a lightsaber either. ... Kylo Ren. The crossguard saber style of combat he uses is also something Palpatine would not have encountered, giving Ren the advantage. Let us know in the comments! He could not hope to match a Sith of Palpatine's legacy, who had a connection to all the Sith who had ever come before him through the process of transference of essence. Jonathan is a graphic artist, illustrator, writer, and game designer. There's no denying that Obi-Wan Kenobi was a truly powerful member of the Jedi Order when he was alive. No, it's more stronger! Overcome by his rage, he often gives into paroxysm, which leaves him vulnerable. Some things are stronger than blood. And that is true, Yoda fought Dooku in Attack of the Clones and fought an epic saber duel against Palpatine himself. Villains like Emperor Palpatine, whose maniacal lust for immortality, was masked with an imperturbable veneer. Windu's ability to beat Palpatine means he wouldn't break a sweat taking out Kylo Ren. Kylo Ren has a number of Force abilities that have never been seen in a Star Wars movie before. Luke is the direct son of Darth Vader, AKA, Anakin Skywalker;who had the highest midichlorian count ever. Ren is obsessed with the legacy of his grandfather, the Sith Lord Darth Vader, and aspires to finish … It's not uncommon for a Sith Apprentice to dispatch their Master, but hardly anyone saw this one coming -- including Snoke. A one-stop shop for all things video games. He was the hero of the original trilogy and not only was he instrumental in bringing about the downfall of Darth Sidious, he ended up creating a new Jedi Academy following the destruction of the Empire. We also saw that Rey was able to shut Ren out of their Force bond at the end of The Last Jedi. There are weaker folks, but many others could take him in a fight. Anakin Skywalker was meant to bring balance to the Force, but as his Master once said, all he did was try to destroy it. This leads to him getting shredded much faster than other heroes. Irked, Kylo tries to attack Luke's ghost, but Luke catches his lightsaber with an inimaginable strength and assures him that he is no Skywalker when Kylo says that he will be stronger than any Skywalker has ever been. His ability to wield a duel-bladed lightsaber enables him to fight off two powerful foes at one time. 2. Plagueis may have been dispatched by his pupil in his sleep, as recalled in Revenge of the Sith, but he was incredibly powerful while he was awake. Like the … He easily stopped a blaster bolt in midair and kept it suspended while interrogating Poe Dameron, which shows his level of concentration is incredibly high. This would give the Jedi an edge in the battle making him the stronger of the two. He later studied the teachings of Darth Revan thanks to a Sith Holocron and developed a mastery over the Force. Granted, it was all a grand test, but it confirmed that Ren wouldn't be loyal to Snoke, and should have given Palpatine the hint that he wouldn't be loyal to him either. Kylo Ren is a chaotic character whose origins place him somewhere in the middle between the light and the dark side of the Force. Unfortunately, he was one of the Jedi who succumbed to the infamous Order 66. While he has clearly demonstrated a willingness to do whatever is necessary to achieve his goals, the guy is seemingly wrestling with some demons. Obi-Wan not only became a powerful user of the Force and an exceptional combatant with a lightsaber during his lifetime, he continued to guide and balance the Force long after his demise. Of course, it's also possible that Baby Yoda might escape death at the hands of Kylo too. Ultimately, he fell to his apprentice, Darth Vader, but he was one of the most powerful members of the Sith in a long time, suggesting he could easily have dispatched Kylo Ren were they to have met. It appears the blue butterflies are visiting both people. The Force made it possible for two separate Force-sensitive individuals to be as one, their bond remaining a constant across space and time. The only confirmed Force dyad in the franchise at the moment is Kylo Ren and Rey but it's possible Anakin and Baby Yoda were supposed to be a dyad as well. Unfortunately, for Malak, Revan didn't succumb to his Apprentice's attack and returned later to take revenge upon his former pupil. ... Anakin, and Yoda all in immediate succession. RELATED: Star Wars: 10 Ways Anakin Skywalker Got Better & Better. As he was one of the Jedi who fell to his own Troops, he would likely have similarly fallen were he to battle Kylo Ren. Throughout the two games, the player take Marek throughout the galaxy, hunting Jedi. After the assault on Starkiller Base, both Rey, a novice Force adept, and Finn, an ex-stormtrooper, nearly best him in a duel with a lightsaber that neither of them has been trained to use. He has further demonstrated his fighting skills with his lightsaber in the Last Jedi and can clearly handle himself. He writes for ScreenRant, CBR, NerdBastards, Listverse, Ranker, WhatCulture, and many other sites online. He projected himself across the stars and distracted his former Padawan long enough to let the Rebels escape. He almost never telegraphs his attacks, and his temperament vacillates between uncontrollable rage and stony reserve. After his confrontation with Han Solo, Chewbacca nearly fells him with one blast from his bowcaster. NEXT: Star Wars: 5 Ways Kylo Ren Can Beat Darth Vader (& 5 Ways Darth Vader Would Destroy Him), Copyright 2021 Elle Magz All Right Reserved, Star Wars: 5 Reasons Why Kylo Ren Could Defeat Palpatine One-On-One (& 5 Why He'd Be Destroyed If He Tried). Even with all his skills, he is far from the most powerful Force user in the Star Wars universe. Eventually, he was defeated by the Jedi, but his spirit endured within his mask and armor, which were buried on Korriban, the Sith homeworld. Born as Ben Solo to Han Solo and Leia Organa, he grew up in the middle of his parent's clustered lives. So if baby yoda is apart of Luke’s academy then that would mean that when Kylo Ren turned to the dark side and killed all of Luke’s padawans Kylo Ren killed baby yoda. He was also responsible for creating the "Rule of Two," which stipulated only two members of the Sith could exist in the galaxy at one time: a Master and an apprentice. As the Emperor, he oversaw the destruction of countless worlds and even commissioned the creation of the Death Star. For better or worse, Kylo Ren’s parents consist of not one, but two extremely powerful characters in the Star Wars universe. This can't be true. When Windu took Jedi Masters Agen Kolar and Sasee Tiin to Palpatine's office, Fisto accompanied him and was quickly dispatched in the fight. He confronted Chancellor Palpatine when his true nature as a Sith was revealed, Windu was the last Jedi standing after his fellow Jedi were dispatched within a few seconds of their engagement. Kylo's powers are vast but they are still highly unbalanced and difficult to control. That's a good thing for Kylo, seeing as Bane was one of the most powerful Sith Lords to ever roam the galaxy. Marek proves to be incredibly powerful with the Force due to a heightened Sensitivity that enables him to master a number of powers rather quickly. How so? Their duel nearly killed the Jedi Master, whose subsequent defeat forced him to go into hiding for decades. During the Battle of Crait, when facing Luke Skywalker, he was so myopic in his assault on his former master that he never detected the entire duel was a rouse. Even higher than Yoda's. When she withstood, and at times overpowered him, in The Force Awakens, Rey did not even fully understand what the Force was, while Kylo had years of training under the uber-powerful Snoke. His time in the Star Wars universe came to an end at the hands of Anakin Skywalker, but it was all part of Sidious' plan to bring him to the dark side. There are arguments for both sides, but given what we have seen in The Last Jedi and The Force Awakens, it definitely appears that Rey has much more innate strength than Kylo Ren. He was taken in as an apprentice to none other than Darth Vader, but this was done in secret without Darth Sidious' knowledge. He aimed to break their spirit before he ever needed to resort to violence, although sometimes it was inevitable, as in the case of Master Yoda and Master Windu. He worked to create the conflict used to initiate the Clone Wars while pretending to remain on the side of good. As Ben Solo in their final confrontation in, 10 Sith Lords That Undoubtedly Took From Darth Vader, Palpatine was blindsided by the fact that Kylo Ren and Rey had a dyad in the Force, Star Wars: 5 Ways Kylo Ren Can Beat Darth Vader (& 5 Ways Darth Vader Would Destroy Him), 2021 movie preview: Our 40 most anticipated films, The best movies and TV shows you missed in 2020 (that you can stream right now), Joe Manganiello reveals new details about Ben Affleck's abandoned 'Batman' movie: 'It was really cool, really dark and really hard'. Evidence: The mandalorian is looking for Jedi for baby yoda to be with. Leia was unable to spend as much time with her son as possible, as she was assigned to the position as a senator of the New Republic, while Han was unable to stay in one place for very long.When he was twenty-three years old, Ben was sent to study alongside other Jedi students, being instructed and led by his maternal uncle, Jedi Master Luke Skywalker. Before the temple fell, Jedi Master Luke Skywalker sensed the dark side building within his nephew Ben Solo and feared for the boy's future. The Skywalker bloodline is one of the most formidable in the galaxy, precisely because Anakin was created by the midi-chlorians themselves, either through the influence of a Force user tinkering with Sith alchemy, or in direct response to such investigations, made manifest by the Force itself to create balance. General Grievous is the only person on this list who is not a natural Force user, but that doesn't make him any less dangerous with the weapons normally attributed to the Jedi and Sith. Rey faces Kylo Ren, who is admittedly wounded, but should be more than a match for someone who has never used a lightsaber before. ... We could give him 3x of these and 2x UNSTABLE BLADE, but that would make him a lot stronger … That being said, he is still powerful and there are those who are below his level. Here are 15 Characters Stronger Than Kylo Ren (And 5 Weaker). Is kylo ren skilled enough to take on jedi master yoda?Fan made animation created by veetov. 1. My dearest Kylo stans, Ben may yet b e redeemed in the eyes of his mother, but his bed is narratively made. When Anakin turned to the dark side, he did so with gusto— the guy went all out and destroyed the Jedi Temple (along with everyone inside). As Ben Solo in their final confrontation in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, he also displayed incredible healing powers, as well as the ability to let the Force flow through him rather than trying to control it. Vader, eventually, managed to channel his emotional outbursts into highly focused attacks, something Ren never quite masters. When we first saw him, he battled and slew Qui-Gon Jinn. Following the purported demise of Darth Maul, he took his place at Darth Sidious' side as his apprentice, but his powers were far beyond those of a Jedi Padawan at the time.
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