Here is how to form the plural in German. Here are the five main ways to create a plural in German. Pronunciation . German . Once you’ve finished watching, you can test yourself on your understanding by taking the end-of-video quiz. The plural form of hobby is hobbies. Most German feminine nouns form their plural by adding -n, -en or -nen to their singular form. More meanings for Hobby. In the plural is an umlaut. Plurals in German . English Esl Hobbies Worksheets Most Ed 476 Results. Another word for Opposite of Meaning of Rhymes with Sentences with Find word forms Translate from English Translate to English Words With Friends Scrabble Crossword / Codeword Words starting with Words ending with Words containing exactly Words containing letters Pronounce Find conjugations Find names Some nouns add an umlaut (e.g. English Translation of “Hobby” | The official Collins German-English Dictionary online. Look up the French to German translation of hobby plural in the PONS online dictionary. According to the Duden Grammatik, two basic rules apply to approximately 85% of noun plurals in German:. All German nouns are included in one of three grammatical genders: masculine, feminine or neuter.However, the gender is not relevant to the plural forms of nouns. We are. Find more words! These transformations can involve the addition of an umlaut and the alteration of the word ending (example: das Buch, die Bücher). Plural Form for Nouns in German. Some words can’t have a singular form. Labor Saudi Plural Depends on Gender! Shandilyadevesh Shandilyadevesh 15.04.2019 English Secondary School Plural form of hobby 2 … Now, you may be wondering about the difference between saying, for example, “I like painting pictures” and “I like to paint pictures.” In German, it’s really about what you’re trying to express. Add -e. This is the most often used method to form a plural—simply add an -e ending. We also participate in other affiliate advertising programs for products and services we believe in. go ! The declension of Hobby as a table with all forms in singular (singular) and plural (plural) and in all four cases nominative (1st case), genitive (2nd case), dative (3rd case) and accusative (4th case). This is the most common way to form a plural—simply add an -e to the end of the word, much like how we add an “s” in English! What does Hobby mean in German? Forming the plural of German nouns is a quite complex issue. In this way, Wort gets the plural Wörter. Horse riding reiten. So how do you tell people what you like to do in German? Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of, Inc, or its affiliates. Deo In fact, there’s an entire culture built around teams, games, coaches, players, etc. We recommend looking up the infinitive of your hobby in an online dictionary. November 17, 2011 Elena. You are. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. The Bundesliga Manager is a soccer program similar to that of U.S. Fantasy Football leagues. In German, the plural of "Hobby" is "Hobbies". Speaking about your hobby in German also helps you increase your vocabulary. If you wanted to ask “what are your hobbies?” in German it would be “Was sind deine Hobbys?”. 1. However, here are some rules that can help: 1. At its core, practicing your German to talk about hobbies is really about pinpointing vocabulary terms for your particular hobby of choice. Plural nouns in German are unpredictable, so it's best to memorize the plural form with the singular. The German plural is "Hobbys", says Duden. If we wanted to say, “I play baseball well,” we’d insert the conjugated form of spielen (in this case, spiele) and Baseball (since it’s the same word in German). We'll generate a list of up to 20 plurals for you. In English the most common way of making a noun plural is to add -s to the end of a word. If you’re interested in German soccer or the Bundesliga, check out these sports terms to memorize and add to your vocabulary. Declension Hobby Learn German vocabulary, phrases and words FAST with TONS of FREE lessons! The word Bundesliga translates to “federal league” in German. German nouns are frequently altered significantly when moving from the singular to the plural form, and the alteration is sometimes more complicated than adding an "s" or an "es" as one would in English. 1. Duck herding, extreme ironing or even Hikaru Dorodango (dirt polishing): you’ve probably never participated in any of these activities, but did you know they’re actual hobbies? You can use these words in many situations surrounding your hobbies. How to Form German Imperative Sentences. For example, if you like to play sports, you’d definitely find these flashcards from Quizlet to be useful. This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you No Singular Form Possible. FluentU is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Scheme Of Work German Form 2 St Joseph Blata L. 3 Ways To Write About Your Hobbies And Interests Wikihow. Find out more, © 2000-2017 sensAgent. die Milch or plural form e.g. Filmatelier ). Many autodidaktische Köche (self-taught chefs), unfortunately, might hear this last phrase more often than not. In English | En Español. these flashcards from Quizlet to be useful, watch this video, which talks about hobbies, bake breads and, of course, cook up some sausage, they’re just as prevalent as domestic footage, 20 Fruits in German: The Sweet and Simple Guide to German Fruits, Dive In! You’ll find it useful to watch this video, which talks about hobbies. Masculine nouns that end in -e and feminine nouns form their plural with -en. For most of us, the hobbies we enjoy are those we’re good at. Rebecca Henderson holds a degree in German and Creative Writing. German has 3 different types of ‘it’. … The easiest way is to learn the plural form each time you learn a new German word. die Milch → no plural form possible; der Durst → no plural form possible; In these cases, the singular word already talks about a group of something or is uncountable (Be careful, because uncountable nouns in English are not always uncountable in German). You’ll learn new verbs, nouns and adjectives to describe what you’re doing and how you’re doing it. — I’m good at [verb-ing / noun]. Here’s a very important word you’ll want to know for this post: If you want the plural form, well that’s pretty easy: Besides these, when talking about your hobby, there are many different words and phrases you’ll likely use. Hobbies are things you do for fun in your spare time. Not sure if i helped you, but i hope so. In more general, commonly used, contexts, the plural form will also be disco.. Look up the German to Spanish translation of Hobby Plural in the PONS online dictionary. This is how most masculine nouns (around 89% in fact) form their plurals. But one of the biggest hobbies consuming die Deutschen (the Germans) is soccer, and by that we mean Fußball. All rights reserved. We’re going to talk a bit more about German soccer soon, but if you’d like a preview, check out these German soccer terms here. The words by themselves do not have any particular contextual meaning, and so it is only about the word itself. Masculine, feminine and neuter nouns ending in “ -a, -t, -o, -u, -y “. And we want to help you out by teaching you how to speak about your hobbies in German. Example: house – houses. Otherwise, we recommend brushing up on these verbs you’ll likely use to talk about your hobby. ), but the itch to see new places and experience new things engulfs the German people. ___ gefällt mir. Learning German becomes fun and easy when you learn with movie trailers, music videos, news and inspiring talks. The last word in the compound determines the gender (and plural form) of the compound noun: das Brot, thus das Bananen brot and der Saft, hence der Orangen saft. We'll generate a list of up to 20 plurals for you. In English we know the forms of the verb “to be” without thinking. This is another reason why it is so important to know (learn!) German plurals are formed by adding -n/-en, -e, -r/-er, -s.Some nouns are the same in their singular and plural forms e.g. The voice of Taxifahrer is maskuline and the article "der". Hobbies definition: an activity pursued in spare time for pleasure or relaxation | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples For example, Germans love to cook. Like other languages that decline nouns, such as Greek or Russian, also in German this topic depends on the gender of the noun, in most cases. Plural patterns. in reference to various types of discos or a collection of discos. Some of these nouns also have an umlaut added to the vowel in the plural. Orangen + Saft = Orangensaft. We are going to find out how to talk about our favorite pastimes in German and how to ask others about theirs. In some cases, the noun itself doesn't transform at all. Main definitions of hobby in English : hobby 1 hobby 2 What we do in English (in most cases anyways) we add an ending –s to the noun and we get a plural form of the same noun. These changes are called conjugations . In English, it's simple: just add an -s or -es to form the plural of a noun. Kargo Just bring the immersion to you with FluentU. Use * for blank tiles (max 2) Advanced Search Advanced Search: Use * for blank spaces Advanced Search: Advanced Word Finder: See Also in German. Resources for further reading: Gemüse Meaning Plural; der Blumenkohl: Cauliflower: die Blumenkohle: der Broccoli der Brokkoli: Broccoli-der echte Sellerie: Celery-der echte Spinat der Gemüsespinat der Gartenspinat: Spinach: die echten Spinate die Gemüsespinat die Gartenspinat: der Eskariol: Escarole-der Gartenkürbis die Zucchini: Zucchini Courgette: die Gartenkürbisse die Zucchini: der Gartensalat: Lettuce See, the great thing about hobbies is that it doesn’t really matter what you do as long as you have fun doing it (and be safe about it, too). hobby (plural hobbies) Any of four species of small falcons in the genus Falco, especially Falco subbuteo. Most hobbies are universal and … Sprinkle in a few words you’re struggling with that may not be hobby-related for extra practice. Keep reading to learn more about the activities Germans do in their free time—like their much safer obsession with soccer!—and how to talk about your own favorite things to do. Includes free vocabulary trainer, verb tables and pronunciation function. Now you can speak about your hobbies in German—and maybe you can discover some new German-speaking friends who share the same interests as you! — I like [verb-ing / noun]. The plural form of hobby horse is hobby horses. The German sie / Sie can mean she, they, or You (formal). Declension Hobby All Forms Plural Rules Voice . Conjugation of Hobby - German. But, of course, both cultures—and likely many others—enjoy the thrills of dramatic TV shows. Painting malen. Sometimes the only way to recognize the plural form of a German noun is by the article, for example das fenster (window), die fenster (windows). Wildpark Musik f (genitive Musik, plural Musiken, diminutive Musikchen n) (uncountable) music a musical piece (e.g. For example, if you like to play a sport, you’d use the infinitive spielen, meaning “to play.”. Germans also love to explore the world around them. That means you can listen to real German as it’s used by German speakers! Some nouns add an ending and an umlaut, and some nouns don’t change at all in their plural form. English uses the pronoun ‘it’ for all objects. Hobby definition: A hobby is an activity that you enjoy doing in your spare time. In this lesson we will learn the three forms of you in German: the singular familiar form, the plural familiar form, and the formal form that can be used to indicate singular or plural pronouns. The “-s” Endings. The easiest way is to learn the plural form each time you learn a new German word. The plural form of "der Lehrer" is the exact same as its singular form, just the definite article changes, "die Lehrer". Not sure where to do that? Some words can’t have a singular form. With feminine and most masculine nouns, too, there is an added umlaut. In this lesson, we're going to delve into the colorful world of German hobbies. Plus, they’re a great addition to your growing vocabulary. In this lesson, we're going to delve into the colorful world of German hobbies. Plural Noun Endings in German Grammar. Declension and Plural of Wort. 2. Please check your email for further instructions. Reading lesen. If you'd like to download the mp3s, please purchase German Language Tutorial. Hopefully by the end of this article, you’ll be able to say, “Ich kann gut Deutsch sprechen” (I speak German well). Germans love their Tatort, meaning “crime scene.” There’s nothing as satistfyingly suspenseful as figuring out a whodunnit (and how). hobby - WordReference thesaurus: synonyms, discussion and more. Akkusativ Hobby. Originally in hobby (sense 2) (compare with dobbin), it later came to denote a toy horse or hobby horse, hence ‘an activity done for pleasure’. Obviously, the verbs you use to talk about your hobby are going to be specific to what you like to do. Both of the following two examples are masculine. Welcher is the nominative singular masculine base form to be found in dictionaries.Welcher must be declined so that its gender case and number matches gender, case and number of the associated noun (i.e. Ask your question. Meeting They bake breads and, of course, cook up some sausage for their guests, family members and friends. Sometimes an ending is added to a noun to make it plural. Whether you join others in hiking famous mountains, visiting historic landmarks or even conquering the levels of a video game, hobbies allow you to connect with your peers, both in person and online. Beyond describing what we actually like to do with action words, we can also talk about our hobbies in a more general way. The declension of the noun Wort is in singular genitive Wort(e)s and in the plural nominative Wörter/Worte. When nouns become plural in German, the noun may remain unchanged, take an ending such as -e, -er, -n, -en, or -s; or may undergo a vowel modification. Definition 2: Worte – context and meaning Start studying German hobbies. Meeting up with friends mit Freunden treffen. Simply paste your list of German words into the box on the right and click on the GO! You can get a better sense of how to speak more naturally by listening to German speakers talk to each other. Join now. Going to the cinema ins Kino gehen. Team © 2021 Enux Education Limited. Mention it to probably any German you meet and they’ll know exactly what you’re talking about. YIKES. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Then, there are singular versions AND plural versions of both! Includes free vocabulary trainer, verb tables and pronunciation function. Declension and Plural of Taxifahrer. German has many forms of plural nouns. Today we will talk about building Plural in German. How to Improve Your German Accent with Audio Clips, How to Hear Real German Conversations, Anywhere (with English Translations! Our sentence would then read: Ich spiele Baseball gut. Writing schreiben. We can express ourselves and our interests in a common subject or field. Plurals. And orange juice? Over 100,000 English translations of German words and phrases. FluentU brings German to life with real-world videos. Bazi Simply paste your list of German words into the box on the right and click on the GO! Societal restrictions on drinking alcohol are much looser than you’d find in the States, so many times it’s more casual than anything else. Plural form of hobby Get the answers you need, now! You’d say, “Meine Schwester konkurriert im Tanzturnier.”. You also get BONUS Audio Lessons here at GermanPod101. Interim In German, however, it is a little more complex. In German, it is useful to memorize nouns with their accompanying definite article in order to remember their gender. They are. "To Be" in German, each verb (action word) changes depending on who the verbs refers to ( I, you, she, we and so on) as well as the tense (such as present, past, or future). als Hobby: as a hobby: zu seinem Hobby machen verb: to … 58; This is not true. Klima Marabu Log in. ... (1132 mots), report a problem or suggest an improvement, Dictionary, Dictionnaire, Diccionario, Dicionario, Translation, Traduction, Traductor, Tradutor, Crosswords , Mots-croisés - Français One thing, at least, is easier: the definite article for German plurals is always die, regardless of the noun's gender. Genitiv Hobby s. Plural. To help you jump-start your vocabulary, let’s take a look at a few of these key German hobby words. Look up the German to Spanish translation of Hobby Plural in the PONS online dictionary. Like any language, it’s all about what you’re trying to express. Like the fact that das Zugsurfen or train surfing, is potentially dangerous and yet, some Germans do it anyway. Ein can't be plural, but other so-called ein-words can: keine (none), meine (my), seine (his), etc. We hate SPAM and promise to keep your email address safe, Get regular language learning tips, resources and updates, starting with the "Complete Guide to Foreign Language Immersion" e-book, Sign up for our weekly blog newsletter for a chance to win a free FluentU Plus subscription (value $240). The noun disco can be countable or uncountable.. Always Updated. Nominativ Hobby. Tick The answer is that German doesn’t form an adjective at all, but instead forms a compound noun out of the original words. If you're tired of looking up each new word in a dictionary to find the plural, then this site is just what you've been looking for. Add an -e Ending. All Rights Reserved. u to ü & o to ö), which also changes the pronunciation of the word. Find more words! Before learning conjugations, the most important things to remember are:- Imperative sentences always begin with the verb (present tense). And to go with good food, Germans love their alcohol! FluentU takes real-world videos—like music videos, movie trailers, news and inspiring talks—and turns them into personalized language learning lessons. most likely the noun that follows i.e. These are just a few ways to talk about the hobbies you love to do. German Translation of “hobby” | The official Collins English-German Dictionary online. Join now. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples This is also reflected in the German word for dictionary: Wörterbuch – a book with words. The declension of the noun Taxifahrer is in singular genitive Taxifahrers and in the plural nominative Taxifahrer. Here’s a very important word you’ll want to know for this post: das Hobby — hobby. Cover how to form the plural nominative Wörter/Worte German-speaking friends who share the same interests you! ; Possessives → German plural is to add -s to the plural in! 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