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how tall is kiyoshi teppei

//how tall is kiyoshi teppei

how tall is kiyoshi teppei

KNB/Reader] August 8, 2015 kimyuu . See more of Kiyoshi Teppei on Facebook Kiyoshi Teppei To all Kuroko no Basket fan! You can also tell me what characters you want me to write about, though i haven't read the manga! When Hyūga was made captain thanks to Kiyoshi, she noticed that he is very good at convincing people even if he seemed to be joking. He is willing to support them whenever they are in trouble and will protect them if they are threatened in any way[2], even at the cost of himself. Seirin uses their Run & Gun Speed Basketball style, having the ball pass from Izuki to Hyūga to Kiyoshi, Miyaji attempts to block Kiyoshi from scoring but fails as Kiyoshi uses his Right of Postponement to pass the ball back to Mitobe who dunks it. Teppei Kiyoshi (木吉 鉄平 Kiyoshi Teppei) is Seirin‘s founder and its previous ace. Before both teams walk out, Kiyoshi talks with Hanamiya commenting that he didn't participate in the game against Shūtoku. KNB/Reader] August 8, 2015 kimyuu . Kiyoshi Teppei. Looking for information about Kiyoshi Teppei - Character (71613)? Kiyoshi was seen wiping his tears after the game and holding Riko up. Taichi invites Kiyoshi to join the basketball club. Hyūga, who had no intention of entering the basketball club, tells Kiyoshi that there isn't a basketball club in the school. Izuki misses the shot but Kiyoshi gained enough time to run and out jump Murasakibara from behind for a putback slam. She looks constantly worried when Kiyoshi was the subject of Hanamiya's rough play. Hyūga is irritated and says to not look down on him. However, he easily pushes the three of them as if they were nothing. They have a strong trust in each other on the court and make a good tag-team, with Hyūga's shots and Kiyoshi's rebounds and defense. 6,357 likes. 1,69m. They went to the infirmary and Riko massaged him to ‘lose his fatigue and pain in exchange for infernal pain’. All time) 30 Fav. Teppei Kiyoshi (木吉 鉄平 Kiyoshi Teppei) is Seirin's founder and its previous ace. It is later revealed that when Hyūga was about to give up basketball for good, Kiyoshi spurred him to pick it up again. He adds that he would hate her for the rest of his life if she subs him. Kiyoshi confronts Hyūga . Kiyoshi was noted to have a great amount of jumping power as well, able to jump above players like Mitsuhiro Hayakawa and even Atsushi Murasakibara in a rebound contest. Himuro asserts that only Kagami can stop him and pulls up for a Mirage Shot. Featured Kiyoshi Teppei Stories. In the end, Kagami is still able to pass Kiyoshi and dunk the ball, marking his victory. Kiyoshi brightly tells Hyūga that, therefore, they should make a basketball club together. The second quarter then ends with Seirin leading 45-43. His favorite food is red bean buns such as. But his height and distance from the hoop is enough for him to make a shot but Kuroko easily blocks him to secure Seirin’s victory. In the quarter-finals, Seirin face Yōsen. He says to him that he feels motivated now. However, Murasakibara seems to have forgotten him, stating that he doesn't bother to remember weak players. He spends his free time relaxing at home with his grandpa and grandma. When in possession of the ball, Kiyoshi has the unique ability to palm or hold the ball with one hand. The pass shifts to a matchup between Kiyoshi and Himuro. Seirin faces Josei High in their first match of the Winter Cup preliminaries. 1 Appearance 2 Personality 3 Background 4 Plot 4.1 Spring High Preliminary Arc 5 Ability 6 Trivia 7 Quotes He has a medium build with an above average height for a third year high school student. He has also eaten Riko's curry despite its taste, telling her that the most important ingredient is love. In the second quarter, Yōsen went to give the final blow for Seirin. Nama: Teppei Kiyoshi Kanji: 木吉 鉄平 Statistik Vital Kelamin: Laki-laki Umur: 17 Tinggi: 193 cm (6' 4") Berat: 81 kg (179 lbs) Ulang Tahun: 10 Juni, Gemini Tipe Darah: O Statistik Profesional Tim: Shōei (SMP) Seirin: Posisi: Center: Bakat: Right of Postponement Vice Claw Penampilan Pertama Manga: Bab 53: Anime: Episode 19: Seiyū; Anime Teppei Kiyoshi (木吉 鉄平 Kiyoshi Teppei) is the founder of Seirin High's basketball club and was its previous ace. His eyebrows are quite thick. 6,344 likes. Izuki gets the ball back and passes it to Kiyoshi who suddenly shoots a three pointer and scores. Kiyoshi saves the last rebound for Seirin using his Vice Claw. However, seeing him at his limit, she doesn't hesitate and replace him. Kiyoshi Teppei. Later, the newly-formed basketball club goes for dinner in the Maji Burger, where they discuss positions. [15] Seirin tries to go full power from the start, but gets the ball stolen away by a strong Tōō. [17]. Nevertheless, Murasakibara now remembers Kiyoshi from when he played at Shoei. Overconfidence has nearly made the second-years lose the game but Riko's slap has eventually put back Kiyoshi and his team-mates on the right track. But then, the team had to face Teikō Junior High, the dominating champions. Seirin begins to have difficult passing Tōō, Hyūga is blocked by Sakurai making him pass the ball to Kiyoshi, commenting on how their offense was already strong enough. This move finally enrages Murasakibara who decided to participate in the offense and ‘wring out everything'. Murasakibara challenges him and he pulls up for a shot but Murasakibara jumped to block and swats the ball away when he tried to turn it into a pass. From Rives Junction, Michigan. They ask her to join the basketball team, but she instantly refuses. He receives Kagami's pass and fakes a pass to a cutting Izuki, but turns around and goes for the lay-up himself. This most likely started during their first year between the Final League Preliminaries and Kiyoshi's hospitalization as they already called each other by first name around then. Teppei Kiyoshi (木吉 鉄平 Kiyoshi Teppei) is Seirin's founder and its previous ace. Kuroko uses the Vanishing Drive on Midorima, but is blocked by Ōtsubo and has the ball passed to Kiyoshi who dunks it. 167 Followers, 33 Following, 6 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Kiyoshi Teppei ♡ (@kiyoshi) I'll sacrifice myself any day, to protect everyone. But before he can, Kiyoshi changes his movements with his large hands and passes underhands to Kagami, who jumps behind them and dunks the ball.[16]. The tip-off begins between him and Ōtsubo, which the ball is given to Seirin. You are asked as Kiyoshi slings his long arms around your waist, burying his head into the crook of your neck. Kiyoshi introduces himself to Hyūga and suggests that they deliver their application together. Kiyoshi Teppei is Seirin's founder and its previous ace. Kiyoshi Teppei 30 Fav. The third quarter begins with Midorima passing the ball to Takao, who runs for the basket. Hyuga pulls up for a shot but Murasakibara blocks him showing his fast reflexes. The rain interrupts their game, but Kiyoshi declares they will meet again at the Winter Cup. Kiyoshi has also been seen to successfully shoot a three-pointer. If you don’t agree with the information about height, etc. However, Murasakibara blocks him and Masako notes that not only is he big and tall, but also has a huge wingspan. It is revealed that Kiyoshi is Hyuga's classmate and that he keeps bothering Hyūga to play basketball. Kiyoshi Teppei 12 Fav. kuroko tetsuya, kiyoshi teppei, bunch of angels are the most prominent tags for this work posted on February 1st, 2013. Murasakibara is about to dunk but saw Kagami coming and instead, passes the ball back to Himuro. During the finals against Rakuzan, Riko is seen wiping her tears because Kiyoshi is overexerting himself despite his injury. Her hair is kept to her left side with two pins and sometimes she has a pony tail kept together with a black band. After being scolded by Hyūga and changing to his training uniform, he introduces himself to the freshmen. Murasakibara for the last time, scorns him and asks him if how many times does he have to squash him for him to be stuff and that his bitterness continues. After that, Kiyoshi asks Riko to stay for a little bit longer and tells her that seeing her face makes him feel better. He then tells him that he will make him remember through basketball. [8] Izuki also tells him that Riko's disgust for half-assed people/quitters comes from Hyūga. In games, he takes it easy at first, but when his game-instinct kicks in, he is ruthless and very professional. After that, Kiyoshi interrupts Riko who was about to leave. But if you still don’t even know or read Kuroko no Basket yet! Kuroko launches the final Ignite Pass to Kagami with the victory going to Seirin. Teppei Kiyoshi. Kiyoshi simply replies that it’s his selling point. Still not giving up, Himuro throws a full court pass to Murasakibara who wasn’t able to jump because Kiyoshi playing PG forced him to jump continuously and it’s what his knees can only handle. Now that his second year came around, he had another chance at winning your heart, and injury or no ... Add to library 329 Discussion 26. With this ability, he possesses more options and more time to make decisions when making plays in comparison to other basketball players. Kiyoshi then passes the ball to Kagami. He is known as Iron Heart (鉄心, Tesshin) and is one of the Uncrowned Kings. The progenitor of Seirin's basketball team and its ace, Kiyoshi is the last of the original Seirin team members to be introduced, due to a hospitalization for a knee injury he got during a game. Seirin goes against Nakamiya South for the second round. During the fourth quarter, Kiyoshi and Kagami still double team Midorima, but are unable to stop him from shooting. He asks her to stay with him, as Riko furiously blushes. He says that he's glad that they and Riko are the same. Aomine then enters the Zone making the Kuroko-Kagami-Kiyoshi team unable to block his shots. Kiyoshi suggests that Kuroko be subbed out due to the use of the Hawk Eye from Takao. Kiyoshi asked him if he enjoys basketball too and tells him that they are the same. 2 featuring Kagami Taiga. Riko tells them that she only has the intention of joining a club that is determined to get to the top and she won't settle for anything less. He's bad at things that cause others to be surprised. Kiyoshi is a player with a large and strong frame, only to be overpowered by Murasakibara and overpowering Nebuya. He tells Kuroko that all he sees is that the only thing Kuroko can do is pass, but that he likes that style of playing and that he just lacks experience. Upon replacement of the hoop, Murasakibara continues to dominate both in OF and DF. 9K likes. Profile von Personen mit dem Namen Kiyoshi Teppei anzeigen. Kiyoshi one year ago, with Hyūga and Izuki. Voir plus d'idées sur le thème kuroko, kuroko no basket, esthétique orange. She initially refuses but Kiyoshi insists, saying that looking at her makes him feel better. Chapter 5: Even Half of Your Heart- Kiyoshi Teppei Part One ... She admired how tall he was. He wears the jersey number 7. She would gladly take his hate than to see him injured again. Kuroko launches his new pass and it gets past Aomine and reaches Kiyoshi, who accepts the ball with effort. But Kagami and Kiyoshi were already back to defend. 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Without Murasakibara 's intervention, an elite school with a full fledged story, so all...

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