Two-Handed Slam: He will raise both arms and perform a big AOE attack right in front of him dealing massive damage and leaving a yokai pool. This game isnt for everyone, but with the right amount of patience and persistence, anyone can beat nioh 2. Moreover, it is vulnerable to water attacks, but is resistant to fire, decay, and poison. Another really good tip for this game is to play it carefully and cautiously and try … Enenra is a Smoke and Fire … Original Poster 8 months ago. He can also use this as the end of a swing combo. Its important that you dodge backwards after you perform a grapple attack as he will stand up with an AOE attack. The 2nd boss, Enenra, is incredibly hard toi beat! October 30, 2020. Nioh 2 has given players several new challenging enemies, one being Enenra. Enenra in Nioh 2 has a weakness to water. You may notice the water barrels positioned above the pillars in the room. The enemy called Enenra is located at the end of The Beast Born of Smoke and Flame main mission, and is the second boss encountered in Nioh 2. In Nioh 2 there are many bosses that we are going to face, one of these will be Enenra, the base of this battle is in a place that is constantly full of flames, which will be a big problem, but in this guide will be the tips and steps to follow that support us in How to beat Enenra, we just have to pay adequate attention to the following content. admin March 14, 2020 Best War Games Leave a comment 180 Views. The enemy called Enenra is located at the end of The Beast Born of Smoke and Flame main mission, and is the second boss encountered in Nioh 2. In addition, they can provide Toughness bonus, physical, and elemental protection to your character. Head Armor protects the head of the player, and can have varying degrees of quality and level, just like Weapons. 2. share. If you can get Enenra to crash through the supports in the arena, water will fall on him, dealing penalties to his fire-based attributes. Nioh 2 Enenra Boss is actually a Smoke and Fire Yokai that uses … Dari Enenra ke Otakemaru, musuh terkejam di Nioh 2 adalah yang harus kau kalahkan. All Kodama Locations. Combat Guide. Try to dodge in the opposite direction as he usually performs a quick attack after the teleport, Fire Burst: He will wave his head and generate fire explosion in a wide arc in front of him, Try to run behind him when he waves his head and use the opportunity to deal some damage. Posted by 10 months ago. Post Comment. A Left hand swing, a burst of red light, followed by a right hand grab attack and ending with a Yokai Realm Pool. This fiery demon is extremely challenging, has … Burst counter (R2+O) is very effective though ,get him every time. The tricky thing is making sure he doesn’t use the distraction to teleport to you for a cheap shot. Enenra is weak to water elemental damage which is something you should consider using against him. 73.9k. For Nioh 2 on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "This is INSANE! Related Articles. He can send three four or five smaller tornados barreling towards you. The Nioh 2 Enenra boss is a hot fight. The enemy called Enera is located at the end of The Beast Born of Smoke and Flame main mission, and is the second boss encountered in Nioh 2. There are 4 pillars located on each corner of the area. Enenra. More Nioh 2 Guides: How to Activate Yokai Shift. Light Armor, lowers your equipment load, making you move faster and Dodge more easily. Nioh 2 releases on PlayStation 4 3/13/2020. Be careful as this attack has a very long range, You can either use your guard or dodge backwards two times. Enenra … ... A Reddit community dedicated to Nioh and Nioh 2, action RPGs developed by Team Ninja and published by Koei Tecmo (PC) and Sony Computer Entertainment (PS4) for release in 2017 and March 13th 2020. Tornado Throw: He will throw 5 tornados that will slowly move torwards the player. Nioh 2 game guide focuses on Enenra Boss Fight Guide. This can only be done once per pillar but provides a great opportunity to deplete his Ki and deal a considerable amount of damage. Players can take the chance to deal some damage while he recovers, Three hit combo: He will perform a three hit combo in front of him with his arms. Report Save. Swinging several times Dodge backwards then to the side on the final hit, where you should be able to get a few solid hits in. Enenra is fast and his attacks deal lots of damage. Enenra is the second main boss of NiOh 2. His other Burst Attack is much more predictable. Enenra is all about closing distance on you. This is the best opportunity to perform a burst counter and deal a huge amount of Ki damage. Unlike normal enemies, you’ll need to be quite aggressive with a boss to get it’s Ki all the way down, though it is possible, allowing you to get a Grapple for a good chunk of damage. Master the art of the samurai in the brutal masocore action-RPG sequel Nioh 2 ... for death is coming. ". Jumps up in the air and slams his feet down as he falls dealing AOE damage, only way to avoid this is to dodge through it. If you take Enenra near the pillars, his attacks will break them causing him huge Ki damage. Enenra is a Boss and Enemy in Nioh 2. We’ve seen variations of both two swings, or three swings that can be followed up with slamming down both arms. Enenra is a Boss and Enemy in Nioh 2. How to Kill Enera Boss Enenra is all about closing distance on you. Nioh 2, the prequel to 2017's Souls-like action-RPG from Team Ninja, is out now on PC and PlayStation 4. Use Burst Counter at any time to interrupt him. To get some thick chip damage, you can make Enenra break the four pillars in the corner of the room to immerse it in the water. Online. Play Like a Ninja. It has no one true form, ever-changing as it drifts through the air. This is a Yokai that can quickly move from place to place, use fire attacks and powerful strikes. 0. I find low stance is useful against him. Nioh 2 Gozuki (Optional Boss) Walkthrough: The Gozuki is the first enemy you encounter in Nioh 2.You can avoid fighting it by simply running past the enemy or you can defeat it … Pronounced “EHN-ehn-rah.” A yokai composed of smoke and darkness, born from the grudges of humans who met their untimely ends in the Dark Realm. NiOh 2: The Golden Castle walkthrough NiOh 2 guide, walkthrough. Nioh 2 has really stepped it up in the challenge department. Blacksmith FAQ. Enenra Soul CoreFire Twister Yokai SkillSmithing Text: Enenra Mask. The Enenra is only the second official boss of the game, yet is not a Yokai to overlook. How to Beat Enenra in Nioh 2 … No, it’s literally a hot fight as the whole place is constantly on fire so he can give you trouble if you’re quite flammable. We encourage you to read our updated PRIVACY POLICY and COOKIE POLICY. Members. 3 reimagines the sounds of Supergiant and Larian. Enenra Mask is a Light Head Armor in Nioh 2. He resides inside a burning forge at the end of the mission ‘The … This attack can be avoided by jumping backwards. Kick then a possible second kick. Enenra is a Boss and Enemy in Nioh 2. 20+ tries later i finally got the son of a *****, Contributions to Fextralife Wikis are licensed under a, Tornado Attack: He will transfrom himself into a tornado and rush towards the player. Enenra is a boss in Nioh 2, born from smoke and darkness, who is very much up for beating you to a pulp. Taking place within a burning temple, you're going to want to keep your distance early on in the fight. The Game Music Festival Vol. Enenra – Nioh 2 Wiki Guide – IGN. Getting Enenra to hit these pillars will dump water on him, interrupting whatever attack he’s currently doing, as well as doing some pretty massive Ki damage. 1. Close. Embedded video is the first time I have played a successful clip of Nioh 2 blindly, showing the basic strategies listed below. While in the dark realm, his attacks will be faster and your Ki recovery will be reduced Try to stay away from him and wait for his Tornado Transformation to perform a burst counter. The Enenra fight is similar to a … We take on the second boss in Nioh 2 Enenra a fiery demon. March 20, 2020 Enenra is the second proper boss you will face in Nioh 2. Touch the image to enter the arena with the boss. 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One of the toughest bosses you’ll encounter early in Nioh 2 … This weakness to water shouldn’t come as a surprise as Nioh 2’s Enenra is a towering demon made up of smoke and fire. However, they’re fairly slow and you should be able to move around them. If they touch you, they will cause damage per second, They can be easily avoided by running to another corner of the room. 0. You can perform the burst counter while he is moving to you. More Nioh 2 Guides:How to Activate Yokai Shift.All Scampuss Locations.All Kodama Locations.All Sudama Locations.Soul Cores Guide.Blacksmith FAQ.Combat Guide.PS4 Controls.Enenra is a Boss and Enemy in Nioh 2. Unless you spend some time in side missions, the Enenra boss fight will be the second boss you encounter in Nioh 2. Enenera can be found in a small square battlefield. Atau jika kalian punya tips untuk membantu gamer lain menamatkan game ini, bagikan di kolom komentar! This time you’re in a small room, Enenra can put a lot of pressure on you and success will hinge on whether or not you can accurately read and react to his moves. The embedded video is a successful run from my first blind playthrough of Nioh 2, and shows the basic strategy listed below. Enenra is a Smoke and Fire Yokai that attacks with swift fire tornadoes and powerful blows from its large fists. Once defeated, he’ll drop the Enenra Soul Core and Fire Twister skill. A good strategy is dodging his attacks and staying at a medium distance. Keep moving and look for an opening after his kick attacks. Enenra is the boss of the second Main Mission, The Beast Born of Smoke and Flames. He can teleport to you at any time making getting away never an option. You may notice You can repeat this strategy in both the normal and dark realm. All Scampuss Locations. Siapa boss tersulit yang pernah kalian hadapi? Archived. Enenra is a Smoke and Fire Yokai that attacks with swift fire tornadoes and powerful blows from its large fists. Enenra is an imposing, tall, muscley figure of a demon and fire is its best friend. Learn more about Enenra's move set and how we defeated this difficult boss in Nioh 2. Enenra is one of the early bosses you’ll encounter in Nioh 2. None of Enenra’s moves change in the Yokai Realm, what becomes extremely difficult is managing Ki with how fast he can move around the map. The fire ogre Enenra resides deep inside the forge, and uses fire-based attacks to burn you to ashes. 1.1k. level 1. Enenra is a Smoke and Fire Yokai that attacks with swift fire tornadoes and powerful blows from its large fists. Though these are probably best saved for his Yokai Realm phase to get him out of it as quickly as possible if you can save them til then. Enenra/Suiki in Yokai Shift: Reliquism: 2: 12/27 9:06PM: Question on the Hidden Graces / Luck - and Best Possible Farming setup (Glyph ?) Jump backwards and wait for the attack to finish. Who Will Win The Battle of the Galactic War? He can teleport to you at any time making getting away never an option. He’s a Fire Yokai with huge damage potential, quick attacks, and elemental damage. He uses this attack as a finisher on many of his attacks, make sure you’re using Ki Pulse whenever near one to remove the pool. Enenra. Soul Cores Guide. Teleport: He will clap his hands and teleport next to the player. Dodging to the sides or backwards out of the fire is often your best bet though sometimes, the bombs will miss or hit just based on bad luck. When he transforms into a tornado, perform a burst counter and attack him. They mainly lead to the great Enenra painting, which you will have to confront once again. A burst of red light, and then Enenra will transform into a large tornado that approaches you. Two hand slam that creates Yokai Realm pool. Here is how to beat Enenra in Nioh 2. This one is really hard to time right for a Burst Counter. Ki Pulse really becomes your friend in this case, as well as Burst countering any time he uses the massive tornado that can easily kill you. Developer Team Ninja has succeeded in constructing a sequel that’s both majestically striking and horrifically brutal, ensuring that every victory a player obtains, be it against a lowly foot soldier or a towering boss, is earned through great effort. Quick attacks and good ki restoration allows you to deal good damage while dodging his heavy attacks. PS4 Controls. Its weak point is its back, because that's where the Amrita crystal is. Taking him down is a frantic task that becomes more clinical as his moves are memorized. In this guide we’ll provide you with plenty of tips and tricks on how to overcome him. Kick: He will use his legs to perform a forward kick. 0. This boss is one that serves as a good introduction to preparedness and to patience for players. 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