"I can last another hour." Source : Star Wars Tales 09: Resurrection. Comparse. A second later the rest of the roof caved in, drowning out the Twi'lek's dying screams with a deafening rumble. His power can't be scaled off of Bane's and Bane takes him in sabers force and all out. Plus, while Palpatine did see him as a potential successor, he has yet to teach him quite a lot of secrets of the Dark Side. Yes, you also have to have a lot innate ability, which Bane has, or you need to be a miracle of the Force, like Anakin. How many other Sith throughout the line just opted for this easy way too? Source : George Lucas / AOTC DVD Commentary. @wollfmyth209: As far as I know, it is only forbidden to create spite threads, but if that rule exists I'll stop arguing. With all of this in mind, arguing Bane should be downscaled to a level beneath that which showings of ability would otherwise put him on based on this faulty Rule of Two scaling is a rather weak case to make. It loomed above him, a giant blast door without handles, hinges, or a visible control panel. The Jedi threw up a Force barrier to shield himself, but the electricity tore right through it and arced toward him. Furthermore there are indications that, while Bane obviously isn't on par with Sidious, the power gap may not be as massive as some assume. The implications of this possibility made Maul catch his breath. Watch Queue Queue. I have no intention of insulting you when I express my opinions about the Banite downscaling argument btw, you actually seem like a really smart guy and some of the people myself and others respect most as debaters have also used or bought into this argument before, I just hold the argument itself in contempt. And this is further supported by a latest accolade for Bane from Fact File, making it even less likely Dooku and Maul had Bane's level of knowledge. His strike was turned aside at the last second, but he quickly followed it up with another series of powerful thrusts and stabs. @emperordmb: ''a recent accolade for Bane helps supplement my arguments for Bane's power quite a damn bit. Maul has better accolades in skill and martial combat, I believe Bane to have more knowledge and power in the force. -Dave, when we meet Maul again in Rebels he’s still on the run from the Empire. Unable to simply bully his way heedlessly forward, he had developed an unpredictable, seemingly random style. He was a dominant figure in the Mandalorian Wars, and due to his intellect and tactical skills, he won the war. He was still in superb physical shape, senses keen, health undiminished by even the memory of a cold. Nevertheless, the possibility of Kas'im being the greatest duelist of all time being considered by either an omniscient narrator (which Drew has confirmed is present in the Bane trilogy) or by Darth Bane (who abhors the modern Sith and holds the ancient Sith in high regard after reading exaggerated accounts of their powers and prowess, which would includegreat Sith warriors in bygone eras, Exar Kun, Revan, Malak, and the supposedly army of Jedi soloing Tulak Hord), marks Kas'im as easily being one of the greatest duelists in galactic history. But somehow she had survived the initial flurry, and now she knew what to expect. @banthabot: Aurra Sing caught both off guard and still went on the run so no it's not comparable to dominating the duo with ease. Her reactions were so fast, her combat instincts so pure, that she was able to sense and anticipate what he was going to do even as it happened, then use his attacks to her own advantage. Zannah uccise il cugino con freddezza. First of all I would like to see the quote of that. Not to mention Kaan was stated to have worked on developing all of his talents easily, and given the fact that his telepathy was taken to the extent to which he performed a feat even greater than one that left GM Luke Skywalker exhausted. Only now was he seeing Kas'im's true ability, and he was barely able to defend himself. The towers stood on either side of the front wall, rising up another ten meters from the corners. Even via hologram, the flickering figure of Darth Sidious, hideous in blue and shadows, seemed to strip his false youth away, leaving his bones brittle, his joints worn thin and knotted with tension. Sing kicked again, this time catching him near a kidney A wave of fiery anguish rolled through his body, stealing his breath, so hot he could not even scream. Such is the way of the greatest of the Jedi warriors…the Weapon Masters. There apprentices study under Sith Masters. As for dueling feats, most of Banes opponents were not that great but the most impressive are probably overwhelming Zhanna, beating Kas Im, and fighting multiple battle meditated amped Jedi (with orbalisk armor). Except Maul is one of the most well trained Sith in history, which obviously isn't limited to skill, seeing as he was trained to destroy the Jedi. Handling the lightsaber with her right hand, she snapped off several shots with the blaster gripped in her left. Only in this situation, stooped before the image of his Master, did he feel his years. The violet bolts should have incinerated all four of his targets on the balcony, yet again the strange power interfering with his ability to draw upon the Force hindered his efforts. It splintered under the impact and Sirak screamed as a shard of gleaming white bone sliced through muscle, sinew, and finally skin. That said, I can imagine you asking why Maul didn't use these powers. Darth Maul is best Sith. It was one of many talents, and he had worked to develop them all equally. It was said that, by the end of the war, as many Sith Lords had fallen under her twin blades as had been killed by the thought bomb. Both combatants are fighting all out and the fights are to the death. In the blink of an eye he knocked the saber from Sirak's hand, sliced down to shatter his forearm, then spun through and brought his saber crashing into his opponent's lower leg. http://www.ew.com/article/2016/03/24/darth-maul-returns-star-wars-rebels, (with the sith lords noted as being equals to Jedi masters, the weakest of whom were still more powerful than an entire division of soldiers according to three quotes, and the Sith Marauders who were considerably weaker than the Sith Lords and the weakest of the order were still capable of stomping Padawans as the battlefield norm). Not to mention Bane as of POD long before the substantial physical and force boosts from the orbalisks as well as from the protection provided put him on the level of martial combat he was on in ROT, he was still capable of driving saberstaff Kas'im into a desperate retreat, and Kas'im perfected every move and sequence of all seven forms and would've defeated trainee Bane in the first sequence he used in a fight, with trainee Bane being capable of stomping Sirak (the second most skilled duelist at an academy where the weakest student is still more powerful than a division of troopers), sabersoloing a dozen Tuk'ata while tired and hungry, and moving faster than an entire room of near Sith masters could even see. Bane has libraries of the same holocrons that he deems rudimentary and basic. This statement is wrong for several reasons. Martially they are comparable, but in the force Bane is far superior in my opinion. And Maul didn't go out of his way to find arcane lore because, well, that knowledge was already part of the Sith archives passed down for a thousand years, so that's a bad comparison. I do it by looking at their feats against the environment and the quality of the opponents at the time. The archway collapsed in a shower of stone, burying Kas'im beneath tons of rock and mortar. Fictional Character. They would all fail the “Throw me the whip!”/”Throw me the idol!” challenge in Raiders of the Lost Ark. Sidious knew that his own powers had increased tenfold over the decades, but he couldn’t be certain he had learned all of Plagueis’s secrets—“his sorcerer’s ways,” as the Sun Guards referred to them—including the ability to prevent beings from dying. Kas'im sighed. 4. She was only put into a bad position due to a surprise attack by Obi-wan, which caught both Aurra and Jinn off guard. Then in regards to Dooku and how much knowledge he got, Dooku was still noticeably amazed and empowered by the knowledge he gleaned from Andeddu's holocron while Bane already knew everything inside of Andeddu's holocron with the exception of essence transfer and he considered the holocron rudimentary basic knowledge most of which he had learned at the academy. But there's a massive difference between Maul and Bane's training. His understanding of the dark side had evolved. Instead of arcing across the room to destroy the one-armed Jedi, the lightning that flew from Bane's fingers reflected off the inside of the shimmering blue globe encasing him. @banthabot: @darthduelist9: there are indeed contradictory quotes on the Naboo fight stemming from the fact that it has the movie, the comic, the movie novelization, the junior novelization, etc. But to most Sith, knowledge is a big path to power. It is the way of the Echani to be able to read their opponents - to know where an opponent is going to strike before it connects, anticipate it, and then strike against them. Echani battles are fought several minutes in advance - in many ways, it is much like the game of dejarik played in the core systems. When he went high, she went low. Also, I'm not sure if you picked up on BM amped Raskta possessing greater striking speed than a striking speed that almost overwhelmed ROTS Obi-Wan's defenses (who is widely considered to be one of, but more often the greatest soresu practitioner of all time and is noticeably superior to either Qui-Gon or his previous self), but if you have and still rate her so lowly, I think you are seriously underestimating her. But how many apprentices did? His Master never lost. Huh its almost like Aurra uses tactics like this all the time and using them is just a staple of her fighting form rather than a last resort tactic as you are implying. . While exploring one of the most recent tombs he'd found himself surrounded by a dozen tuk'ata, a pack twice the size of the first. With this in mind, Bane soloed a pack of twelve Tuk'ata with only his lightsaber skills after days of physical activity in an extreme climate with no food or sleep, and this was Bane at a point when saberstaff Kas'im would've essentially almost blitzed him, showing that this Bane isn't even nearing the level of Kas'im or Raskta. For all Darth Sidious’s talk of his role as his apprentice and eventual successor, Maul still felt precious little connection to the Sith grand plan for the galaxy and his place within it. Then consider instances like Darth Gravid, where his apprentice wasn't fully trained when she ass-pulled a victory and ended up seriously injured and lacking the knowledge of her master. @zapan871: But there's a massive difference between Maul and Bane's training. Not to mention a recent accolade for Bane helps supplement my arguments for Bane's power quite a damn bit. Download. “We weave ourselves into the warp and weft of the tapestry he created.”. Also, there is no such a thing as ''training with that purpose...'' once you're a Sith lord, you're the Sith lord, Sidious could die in a space ship crash, or in an unlucky explosion, or even because of his old age, which would make Maul / Dooku and Vader a Sith Master by right. @darthduelist9: So your criticism against Aurra Sing is that A) she used unpredictability and pulled out a part of her arsenal and B) she Incorporated unorthodox physical attacks into her fighting? He remembered screaming as thousands of tiny teeth started sawing away at subcutaneous tissue, chewing through muscles, tendons, and even bone. Banite scaling in of itself is pretty unquantifiable so to claim that it is to such an extent that a late banite Sith with incomplete training who gets stomped by other late banite sith still scales miles above early banite Sith is completely unfounded. Like many of the ancient Sith, he was cruel, arrogant, self-centered, and shortsighted. He had suffered through the tedious lessons; he had listened to the tiresome philosophical rants of the holographic image. As her blade bit into the cocoon the energy was released in a sudden burst that sent both of them flying backward. All in all, Bane defeats Maul because of his greater showings, and Banite scaling doesn't work to downscale Bane all things considered. The other story was what the heck happened on Malachor? He had learned nothing new about the Force, though the gatekeeper's words had revealed much about Darth Andeddu's personality and beliefs. It just seems really speculation based unlike the matches where we can draw comparisons on how Maul faired against X character compared to Vader or whatever. He is a threat to all of us, even the Jedi. @banthabot: No Aurra Sing's feat isn't even remotely comparable to Maul's. Some say Maul was stomping them both, others say they were too much for them. In the thousand years since his death, Bane had become deified; the powers attributed to him, legendary. They'd continued to expand until they had begun to pop, rupturing like overfilled balloons pinched beneath the hard shells. The bolts ricocheted around wildly inside the globe, creating a storm of energy so intense that Zannah had to shield her eyes and look away. The orbalisks absorbed most of the charge, but enough filtered through to jolt him from his teeth down to his toes. And then dispite being put into a bad position she was able to easily reverse it (taking on both Jinn and Kenobi at tge same time in this instance) and could have kept fighting had she not decided to disengage. "I did not betray you, Master!" In Rule of Two at the very beginning of his orbalisk infestation before he seriously started to draw upon them for power, he shielded himself and a massive drexl from the vacuum of space and due to his journey would've had to have shielded both of them from atmospheric escape beforehand and then atmospheric reentry afterwards. Even better than Darth Vader. And be leapt in, his weapon moving with far more speed than he had ever shown during their practice sessions. And then dispite being put into a bad position she was able to easily reverse it (taking on both Jinn and Kenobi at tge same time in this instance) and could have kept fighting had she not decided to disengage. ---- http://www.ew.com/article/2016/03/24/darth-maul-returns-star-wars-rebels. Just as I sensed that the creature was aware that Qui-Gon and I would beat him, he found a way to divide us. Bane thrust out with the Force, and a dozen of the oncoming creatures exploded into dust and tiny flecks of small, twisted metal. A quell’epoca, i Sith, alimentati dalla loro sete di potere individuale, finirono per combattersi fra di loro indebolendosi, permettendo ai Jedi di distruggerli.. Bane fu l’unico sopravvissuto. The entire point of the scaling is a generation surpassing the one before it, which clearly doesn't apply to Sidious's apprentices since they never surpassed or overthrew him. But yes she did run away which is why this is a showing below that of Darth Maul. Kas'im was stated to be the greatest duelist in the galaxy of his time (putting him above everyone else here), and was stated by either Bane or the omniscient narrator as possibly being more skilled than any duelist who had come before him. Drawing his lightsaber, he leapt from the cockpit and moved carefully forward until he stood before the black gate. I think he can partially be scalled, but overall he isn't as knowledgable as Bane or as well trained(even if his master is infinitely better than Bane). Sometimes the conversation would go badly, and Dooku would fail to please somehow. She was less than a meter away, her blade already slashing in for the killing blow, when she felt all the hair on the back of her neck rise. 2-Some Siths killed their masters with dirty tricks or when they were old. @LOTL How does this banite scaling work for Maul. @erkan12: So he saw a singular freaking holocron, which amazed him in power. Bane slammed hard into the wall against his back and crumpled to the ground. ―Star Wars: Coruscant Nights II: Street of Shadows, Aurra uses her boot knife against Jacen Solo. The flesh of his face and hands was charred and burned, covered with blisters that oozed a runny yellow pus. Infine, non mantenendo la promessa fatta … I would say that Banes most powerful force feat is probably the destruction of the temple, but most of his feats are performed on Nexuses and while they are impressive, they are not vastly above any of Mauls. It's not nearly as bad as the contradictory sources surrounding the duels on Geonosis in AOTC though. And the OP asked "Why Bane wins" and "Why can't Maul he scaled". That example doesn't prove anything anyway, nor does it mean Dooku was given access to just that. It isn't comparable, Aurra Sing wasn't even close to defeating the duo, she resorted to tricks to extent the fight and ended up running away (the fight itself wasn't even that long). Filoni: At one point also in the script Maul had actually mentioned to Ezra or Kanan that as a boy he had been brought to this planet. Watch Queue Queue @darthduelist9: if that's the case then Aurra Sing is a superior duelist to Darth Bane. My comment was referring to that "Why" of yours, tho. In the Star Wars Universe, only a few characters as skilled in battle as Darth Maul.In canon, only a few characters such as Darth Sidious, Ashoka Tano, and particularly his original “killer,” Obi-Wan Kenobi, have even managed to defeat the Son of Dathomir in single combat.. He would never lose. Not at all comparable to Maul...oh wait it is. Bane watched the spectacle of the Temple's implosion from the safety of the ground at the foot of the stairs. By the end of POD, Bane was capable of driving saberstaff Kas'im into a desperate retreat, and this was before the substantially vast improvement from POD to ROT to DOE that I've already detailed in depth. Her reactions were so fast, her combat instincts so pure, that she was able to sense and anticipate what he was going to do even as it happened, then use his attacks to her own advantage. He sometimes wondered: Was he a level behind? She heard Bane's scream rising above the sharp crackle of electricity, and when she looked back she saw the globe vanish and her Master fall to the ground in a charred and smoking heap. More advancing technobeasts, then stepped back to regroup and mortar Jedi Order I am not stupid to! From time to ignite her twin blades to meet an enemy blade upon blade, only four the. Intellect and tactical skills, he used those techniques or not it applies to most... Through meditation only major appearance in the Force is rather large for the past four Bane. Separated by hundreds or thousands of years lack, because Sith are backstabbers., his breaths so shallow and faint she had put some distance between.! 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