This category lists individuals who lived and/or appeared during the Clone Wars. Bonus, he was also a weilder of the infamous darksaber. Picking the best Star Wars characters for this list was hugely tricky. The head of Death Watch, Vizsla was a part of some of the series' best battles, but he became intertwined with the ancient darksaber that he wielded in said battles, which of late has seen an even greater prevalence in Star Wars lore. That's what gives Rex an edge here. Whether she was saving lives or getting betrayed by her own order, her strength and resolve made fans love her. Clone troopers are fictional characters in the Star Wars franchise created by George Lucas.They have been featured in a number of Star Wars media, including Episode II: Attack of the Clones (2002), Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (2005), The Clone Wars animated film (2008), the related television series of the same name (2008–2014; 2020), and the Rebels television series … Below is a list of actors and actresses that are part of the voice cast of the American 3D CGI animated television series Star Wars: The Clone Wars and its corresponding film.. Seemingly unstoppable to his foes, Trench was an innovatively designed and fearsome character who we are only too happy to see more of. All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. The Office: 5 Of Jim’s Pranks That Took The Most Effort (& 5 That Were Totally Spontaneous), Star Wars: The 10 Best Original Characters From Clone Wars, Star Wars: Clone Wars- 10 Burning Questions That Season 7 Needs To Answer Before Ending, Star Wars: The 5 Best Rivalries In The Skywalker Saga (And 5 That Make No Sense), Clone Wars Recap: Everything You Need To Know Before Season 7, Friends: 10 Things From Season 1 That Wouldn't Happen Now, 10 Hilarious Hanna-Barbera Villains Who Are Too Goofy To Hate, The Simpsons: 10 Things You Forgot From The First Episode, The 10 Most Cliffhanger TV Season Finales Of All Time, Ranked, Schitt's Creek: 10 Things That Make No Sense About The Jazzagals, Power Book II: Ghost - 5 Reasons Tariq Will Be A Better Drug Kingpin Than His Father (& 5 Reasons He Will Not), Scrubs: 10 Major Flaws Of The Show That Fans Chose To Ignore, Supernatural: 10 Times Dean Winchester Was The True Villain Of The Series, Gilmore Girls: 10 Things That Make No Sense About Chilton, New Girl: 10 Characters Who Left The Show Too Soon, Glee: Why Will Was The Main Character (And Why It Was Rachel), The Big Bang Theory: What Your Favorite Character Says About You, Breaking Bad: Why Hank Is Actually The Show's Main Character, Gilmore Girls: The 5 Worst (& 5 Best) Things Emily Did, 13 Reasons Why: 10 Things That Make No Sense About Zach, Avatar: The Last Airbender: What Your Favorite Character Says About You, DCAU: 10 Times Batman & Wonder Woman Were Couple Goals, How I Met Your Mother: Why Barney Is Actually The Show's Main Character. How Ahsoka Became One of the Best Star Wars Characters Ever. All Star Wars Movies. Ahsoka Tano. We met the clones who were grown and developed through an accelerated aging process on Kamino in Attack of the Clones and saw them go to battle with the Jedi. In honor of "Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker" (in theaters Thursday night), which wraps up the long-running Skywalker saga, we're ranking the 50 best live-action characters in "Star Wars… Movies. Captain Rex. ... Lucasfilm. Clone Wars Characters. Star Wars: The 10 Best Original Characters From Clone Wars 10 Fives. 9 Ways George Lucas nerfed Return of the Jedi Seasons 1 - 6 can also be purchased on Apple or Google Play. Clone Wars makes the Prequels so much better. The release of the final season of Star Wars: The Clone Wars is just days away. 7 mortis arc. Star Wars: Clone Wars was a great addition to the Star Wars universe. Mother Talzin is one of the most powerful beings in the entirety of The Clone Wars - she created Savage Opress, as we know; resurrected Maul to his full potential; came within a hair's breadth (were it not for Grievous) of killing Dooku; and even faced off against Mace Windu. Appearing in well over 50 episodes and being a part of some huge arcs (most notably in his confrontations with the aforementioned Krell), Rex is a superb character and one whose story has expanded beyond the show itself, thanks to his older and wiser role in Star Wars Rebels and select Star Wars literature. Star Wars Battlefront 2 Hero Tier List (2020) ... Best Lightsaber Duelists . Continuing the streak of female Clone Wars villains is Mother Talzin, a character who proves herself to be immensely powerful, manipulative, and a real force to be reckoned with. 5 shadow conspiracy arc. The movie and TV show did not just introduce countless new characters and lore but it gave us, the fans, a whole new world of collectibles, whether that be LEGO Clone Wars sets or even … He even helped the resistance against the First Order on Batuu. Silent but deadly: The best Star Wars characters with no dialogue that deserve their own spinoff. Cold and cruel, Cad Bane seems like a pretty evil guy. Tano has appeared in and inspired countless other works from games to comics to books, and it seems that this Togruta warrior's future is set to be as big as her past, if not bigger. For fans of The Mandalorian, Pre Vizsla is extra exciting because he is the family member of of the heavy machine gun warrior from Mando's clan. Nick Carraways need not apply. Few other characters in the show have been as charismatic as Hondo Ohnaka, since the series, he has also appeared in Star Wars Rebels, and it isn't hard to see why he is such a hit with audiences. She’s always looking for bold stories everywhere. Live-action television series. The STAR WARS canon is rife with classic characters, and the hit animated show THE CLONE WARS has more than its fair share. Of all the many branching Star Wars properties, Clone Wars is, by far one of the most beloved and well-received. Without them, the show wouldn't have been nearly as successful as it was. More than that she even battles and nearly betters Sidious in the canon Darth Maul: Son of Dathomir comic series! Her family connection is but one string to her bow of many. 3D Animated Star Wars series that tells events of the Clone Wars. The Clone Wars dragged in pretty much every familiar Star Wars character it could get its hands on for a guest appearance, including everyone's favorite Wookiee co-pilot. 102 75 Bucket List Ideas for People on a Budget. The top 15 musical moments from Star Wars movies and TV shows. RELATED: Star Wars: Clone Wars- 10 Burning Questions That Season 7 Needs To Answer Before Ending. They treat battle more like a highly athletic dance. Before our eyes, this young lady has grown up, and her eventual leaving of the Jedi order was one of the show's most powerful scenes. A Dathomirian Nightsister, Ventress betrayed her clan to become the Sith apprentice of Count Dooku. Really, who else could it have been! Yoda Yoda is a fictional character in the Star Wars space opera franchise created by George Lucas, first appearing in the 1980 film The Empire Strikes Back.. Yoda should be the number 1 best clone wars character. This is just a list of every single character that was actually in Star Wars the clone wars season 6. Despite being a pirate, he had some heroic moments when it came to people he cared about. Commonly seen as a lead lieutenant of terrorist group Death Watch (and later the Shadow Collective) next to Pre Vizsla, Bo-Katan Kryze was a fiercely loyal Mandalorian warrior, and even stood up to Maul! 50 Best ‘Star Wars’ Characters of All Time From Mos Eisely aliens to the most dangerous Jedi ever, our updated ranking of the heroes and villains in a galaxy far, far away. Ahead of his apparent return, the devilishly clever strategist and naval commander Admiral Trench has evaded death almost as much as he has caused it, eventually leaving him part-cybernetic. For a character who is not a Jedi during the Clone Wars, Captain Rex was one of the best tertiary characters in the franchise. Bad. Clone Wars Characters. Here are the six best original characters to come out of the show. He eventually even named a ship after her. His roots are actually quite noble and rather heroic, but he soon became something far more rage-fuelled and dark, as he was used as a tool by Ventress and Dooku alike, only finding eventual solace in the company of his equally angry and hate-filled thought-dead brother Maul. Star Wars Games. She was a composed woman with a plan, and among all the brash warriors of the series, was a stark contrast. The clones you meet in this series are represented as the best of the best. The Star Wars universe has given us some of the biggest stars in space itself, and the most instantly recognisable characters, ever. KoG Lightsaber Duels. Top 10 "Star Wars: The Clone Wars" Characters 1. If the Republic hadn't fallen to Palpatine, she could've made a pretty great, unifying galactic leader in her own right. Ass. Voiced by Ashley Eckstein, Ahsoka was Anakin’s Padawan, a Togruta female powerful in the Force. A skilled warrior, noble to the ways of old Mandalore, Vizsla ultimately became vital in Maul's rise to power, as the two uncomfortable allies fought for Mandalore's future. Yoda could also do cool moves in air which no one can do. Whether on the ground or in space these fierce warriors always got the job done. Don’t we make you laugh? Though writing articles is her day-job, she moonlights writing fiction and streaming. Really, who else could it have been! 8 nightsister arc. From the V-Wing to the Millennium Falcon: 50 of the best Star Wars vehicles, ranked. His later advancement towards extreme measures of rebellion was spelt out from the word go. 3 conspiracy arc( aka fives arc) 4 ahsoka leaves. Top 15 Characters THE CLONE WARS Introduced to STAR WARS Canon 1. During the galactic conflict, he wasn't a huge fan of Duchess Satine's pacifist government. Voice: James Arnold Taylor (The Clone Wars and Rebels young), Stephen Stanton (Rebels old), Alec Guinness (The Force Awakens and The Rise of Skywalker), Ewan McGregor (The Force Awakens and The Rise of Skywalker) Wise and skilled Jedi Master who trained Anakin and later Luke Skywalker. From her introduction in the 2008 film as a rebellious little... 2. We have had plenty of clone-centric episodes in this series, and many of the clones have stood out and become fan favorites themselves. Fans met Fives when he was just a lowly grunt, but followed him all the way through becoming an elite trooper. Unfortunately, Krell's success in battle made the Jedi overlook his aggressive, self-serving tendencies, which led them to ignore his turn to the Dark Side and eventual loyalty to Dooku. 10 of the weirdest Star Wars tie-in products ever made. However, he was always fairly indifferent to the evil or good machinations of the world. This Friday, March 7th, Star Wars: The Clone Wars returns, as Netflix debuts the entire 13-episode sixth and final season. Star Wars Power Scale. Her dealings with Dooku and Palpatine, her betrayal of the latter, her sending Savage to look for Maul, and her helping Asajj are a handful of the great things she does in The Clone Wars, consistently … make you laugh? The clones didn’t make up a mindless force like the Separatist’s battle droids though. - Captain Spaulding, THE DE... To save you getting lockdown blues, we’re going to be giving you our picks of what to watch on Horror Channel each week. 6 takeover of mandalore. Dude was like Han Solo before Han Solo was cool (or even alive). In Clone Wars, though, Pre Vizsla is a Mandalorian terrorist who wanted to revert Mandalore back to its warrior ways. Fans love Ahsoka not because she is all-powerful or all-knowing but because she represents one of the main things Star Wars has always been built upon: hope. Star Wars Rebels Characters. CAD BANE. Best of Clone Wars. - Page 2 Even moreso because he never managed to convince anyone of the danger. His look technically existed in the films, but he didn't get any sort of real character until the series. In the end, it was his own devoted, beloved troops that executed him for treason. He was later responsible for guiding and aiding Luke Skywalker during the Rebellion. Raised by the Jedi, she became Anakin Skywalker's padawan at a young age and brought out the best in him. AREN’T WE FUCKING FUNNY?” Savage is often forgotten about in the debate for the show's best characters, and that is an absolute crime, voiced imposingly by Clancy Brown, Savage is a monstrous and yet tragic character. Here are the six best original characters to come out of the show. Sure, that might be an oversimplification ,but you get the point. Now, the pinnacle of a perfect clone commander has to go to the one, the only, Captain Rex. While there probably could be just a whole list about the top ten clones in Clone Wars, there were only so many that could be picked. UPDATE: Good news - we are getting a brand-new Star Wars game and it isn't being made by EA. Ultimately, the only people she cares about are herself and her clan. His personality blossomed over the seasons and he turned into a well-rounded, lovable soldier. FacebookTwitterGoogle+LinkedIn But the … The origins of the Clone Wars dated back to the time of the Old Republic, which reigned a millennium before the war. The show's main voice actors have included: Matt Lanter, James Arnold Taylor, Ashley Eckstein, Dee Bradley Baker, Catherine Taber, Tom Kane, Anthony Daniels, Ben Burtt, Ian Abercrombie, Corey Burton, Terrence C. … All fans can do is hope for the best for "Snips" in her continuing journeys. That's kinda cool, in a twisted way. The Weequay pirate has formed uneasy alliances with Obi-Wan Kenobi and Ahsoka Tano, detained Count Dooku, shown defiance in the face of General Grievous and nearly killed Maul and Savage, all while cracking wise alongside his pet Kowakian Monkey-Lizards Pilf and Pik Mukmuk. Best Lightsaber Duelists . Can you name the Star Wars characters who have appeared in Star Wars : The Clone Wars and in a movie by their pictures? Padme outfits tier. Star Wars fans tend to have a clear idea what a force-user looks like. The Clone Wars was a … 10 Tup RELATED: Star Wars: The 5 Best Rivalries In The Skywalker Saga (And 5 That Make No Sense). ... 20 Best Movie Performances Of 2020. She's an eclectic super fan, loving comic books, movies, TV, anime, and novels. The Clone Wars also introduced audiences to a new character: Ahsoka Tano. During the Clone Wars, he became a famously effective, four-armed general, mowing down as many enemies as his troops. Sure, most of them were also pirates, but he did have a soft spot for the young padawan, Katooni. Sign In Trending New Popular type to search ... Best Miniseries. AREN’T ... To save you getting lockdown blues, we’re going to be giving you our picks ... “What’s the matter, don’t you like clowns? Bold and brash, Krell fights with an aggression that few Jedi do. There may be no character in Star Wars who is so consistently excellent and appears in more major pieces of content than ... 9 Can't Stand - Tan Divo. Ahsoka Tano is a young and spirited Togruta who just so happens to be the Padawan of Jedi Knight Anakin... 2. How Ahsoka Became One of the Best Star Wars Characters Ever. Don’t we Van Dyke replied to a commenter that " I’d love all of the episodes to be made but for now that’s not in the cards " and Dave Filoni has made it clear that he sees the series as complete, despite there being several … Friends: The TOUGHEST Phoebe Buffay … Important (Most) Star Wars Characters . The encyclopedia details facts about 204 characters from seasons 13 of the show. Dismiss. Considering Han Solo is a fan favorite, it's no surprise that Clone Wars fans adored Hondo Ohnaka either. 99 75 The Ultimate List of Disney Characters. The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. The release of the final season of Star Wars: The Clone Wars is just days away. By. Star Wars: The Clone Wars Character Encyclopedia is a visual guide to the characters of Star Wars: The Clone Wars TV series, similar to the Star Wars Character Encyclopedia. From her introduction in the 2008 film as a rebellious little Padawan to her later role in Star Wars Rebels, Anakin's apprentice has proved to be an inspiring and immensely successful creation. With Season 6 upon us, … 99. And, without a doubt, it would be an absolute crime if Fives didn't get here. However, with time she became more complex than a classic villain, even ending up more of an anti-hero than a straight villain. AHSOKA TANO. Since his debut at the climax of the first season, he has been embraced as one of the show's greatest faces, and with his enigmatic ways, cool dialogue, and 'Man With No Name'-esque aesthetic, Bane is certain to endure as one of the show's best cross-over characters. Every Star Wars Character (Live Action and Animated) Star Wars Jedi Ranking. Ranking is. CT-7567 or Rex is one of The Clone Wars' biggest characters, to the point that many actually thought he was a part of the live-action films but he is in many ways the helmeted face of this show. And even better, this character is designed to be Maul's brother. 13 Best Original Characters In Star Wars: The Clone Wars. A dedicated diplomat and a skillful warrior, Kenobi's accomplishments speak for themselves. Here are the ten clone troopers that deserved better. The story of Anakin Skywalker’s Jedi apprentice from The Clone Wars, Ahsoka Tano. The guy was selfish, but he was funny and, ultimately, still didn't want the destruction of the galactic order. Well, except for Pong Krell. After nearly seven years of waiting, the final episodes of Star Wars: The Clone Wars Season 7 are about to arrive on Disney+ in Season 7. Important ... Canon Jedi/Sith. RELATED: 10 Best Star Wars: The Clone Wars Fan Art Pieces. As the conflict ballooned, The Clone Wars brought in characters we’d never met before: notably the Togruta Padawan Ahsoka Tano, dozens of clone troopers (distinct and individual despite sharing the same DNA), crafty politicians, and beings trying to continue their day-to-day existence in the midst of a far-reaching war. The primary antagonist in Season 4's Mon Calamari trilogy, the short-lived but memorable Karkarodon separatist commander was a ferocious baddie that took the fight not only to royalty but Jedi masters! But Ventress was too seduced by the allure of power. All Star Wars Films + Clone Wars Seasons And The Mandalorian. No one ever really wants to check out Clone Wars.I mean, I didn’t either, at first. After Jango Fett lost his life in the early Clone Wars, Bane became the lead bounty hunter in the galaxy. That has us wondering: if you were one of the characters embroiled in the conflict, who would you be? Considering the Sith stole a Dathomir son for their own purposes, this was a huge offense. Stephanie Marceau is a writer, advocate, gamer, and classic novel enthusiast. Many, if not all, clones suffered in the line of duty. Star Wars Movies & TV Shows. While many people adore Commander Cody, ultimately he still went through with Order 66. In theory, if the Jedi paid him more than the Separatists, he probably would've worked for them. Ignoring her exciting almost romance with Obi-Wan Kenobi, Satine was an impressive diplomat with a clear vision for her people. “What’s the matter, don’t you like clowns? The Mandalorian; The Book of Boba Fett; Andor; Obi-Wan Kenobi; Rangers of the New Republic Dont get me wrong I still like the prequels but without the clone wars show its at best „okay“, but clone wars gives it so much depth in the sense that you can much more relate to the brotherhood between obi wan and anakin. - Page 2 Sith lords. 50 Best ‘Star Wars’ Characters of All Time From Mos Eisely aliens to the most dangerous Jedi ever, our updated ranking of the heroes and villains in a galaxy far, far away The Clone Wars created a few superb clone trooper characters and Fives was one who not only stood out but very nearly accomplished what nobody else could, lifting the lid (or rather cowl) on Palpatine's insidious plot. Ventress also met up with Gray Jedi Quinlan Vos and fell in love with him, even sacrificing herself for him. 1 siege of mandalore. It's either got bright sabers and brown robes, or lightning, red blades, and a lot of black. Despite dissent among her people, she wanted to give the planet time to build and focus inward, instead of jumping into every conflict. Star Wars has had many awesome villains, and many of the most interesting ones happen to be bounty hunters. Star Wars: The Clone Wars breathed life into the Grand Army of the Republic. Ultimately, although Lord Maul remains my favorite Star Wars character for genuine design, mannerism, compelling story, and having the best fight scene in the entire movie universe series, Savage is likely a good counterpart for the Expanded Universe and the Clone Wars series. It was his methods that turned him into a powerful, threatening villain. Intelligent, fierce and loyal to a … Their dark side powers are unique, and they use them more as a tool than an ideology. Something important to note is that while this rumored project features main characters from The Clone Wars, it isn't a continuation of the show. The Clone Wars animated series took them a step further, adding life and color with many having unique attitudes and characteristics Only makes the inevitable tragedy of season 7 worse, doesn't it? Oh, what could have been... Mandalore's war-torn past was set to be a thing of the past under the pacifist leadership of Duchess Satine, who is one of the show's purest characters. In my opinion the movies didnt make anakins character justice and it made it hard to relate to him and his actions in revenge of the sith. 10. While the stories fleshed out favorite characters, it also added new ones that changed the way people saw the galaxy. While there probably could be just a whole list about the top ten clones in Clone Wars, there were only so... 9 Mother Talzin. It's no different here with Cad Bane, an impressive shot of a hunter who was tasked with many shady deals, including kidnapping younglings, of course. Star Wars: The Clone Wars has had a huge number of LEGO sets over the past 12 years – Brick Fanatics picks out the best 10 releases ahead of the final season. A Dathomirian Clan Mother, she raised countless NightSisters strong in the force and in combat. Luckily for fans of LEGO Star Wars, the LEGO group had already released an entire wave of LEGO Star Wars Clone Wars sets in anticipation of the inevitable success of the series. For once, she wanted Mandalore (and the other planets under her care) to choose themselves over fighting everyone else's battles all over the galaxy. Clone Wars excelled at making a complex, fascinating new menace. Obi-Wan, Anakin and some of their best troopers allow themselves to be frozen in carbonite in an attempt to break into the Seperatist prison known as the Citadel to rescue Master Even Piell. score: 42 of 104 (41%) required scores: 1, 8, 33, 43, 80 ... Best Miniseries. An endlessly cool tribute to western outlaws, Bane is an intelligent and proficient bounty hunter who - with any justice - would only be too welcome in the live-action lore of the franchise. The following is a list of female characters that appeared in the Clone Wars. ... Clone Commander Cody Character (5) Duchess (5) Lightsaber Battle (5) Plo Koon Character (5) Shaak Ti Character (5) Space Battle (5) Army General (4) Character Name In Episode Title (4) Disciplinarian (4) Episode Title Spoken By Character (4) Force Choke (4) The Clone Wars; Rebels; Resistance; The Mandalorian; Untitled Cassian Andor television series; Untitled Obi-Wan Kenobi television series; Prequel Trilogy characters. When he discovered the truth behind the clone troopers' existence, it broke everyone's hearts. In honor of "Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker" (in theaters Thursday night), which wraps up the long-running Skywalker saga, we're ranking the 50 best live-action characters in "Star Wars… The release of the final season of Star Wars: The Clone Wars is just days away. A one-stop shop for all things video games. It is called The Clone Wars, not The Jedi Wars. 9 second battle of geonosis Jabba the Hutt's uncle Ziro Desilijic Tiure is one heck of an odd addition to his family - and in the Hutt clan that is no easy feat! Looking back over the course of the Clone Wars, the show was really about the hardships of war. Oscars Best Picture Winners Best Picture Winners Golden Globes Emmys STARmeter Awards San Diego Comic-Con New York Comic-Con Sundance Film Festival Toronto ... Clone Captain Rex Character (2) Common Enemy (2) Continued From Previous ... Ahsoka and Rex must use their wit and skills to survive the turbulent end of the Clone Wars. Here are some ... © STARBURST Magazine - all rights reserved, Please note delivery times may be affected by the current global situation. Votes: 1,381 Brought down by his lustful ambitions of power and the documents in his possession... not to mention love, it really was beauty that killed this beast... well, a scorned Pa'Lowick anyway! It's just more tragic that, despite all the bonds she had with other Jedi, she couldn't rely on any of them in the end and had to set out on her own. Make that the Lost Twenty-One. Star Wars Power Scale. Star Wars fans tend to have a clear idea what a force-user looks like. Test your knowledge on this movies quiz and compare your score to others. He deserves all the credit for being the best kind of soldier and eventually helping build the rebellion. Somedays we relate most to Ahsoka Tano’s courage or Anakin Skywalker’s determination. But dang was he a great character to watch. So, while everyone loves Yoda and Obi-Wan, it's time to praise the original heroes and villains that made Clone Wars so much more special. 13 Best Original Characters In Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Saw Gerrera has to be one of The Clone Wars' most successful introductions after making the jump to live-action stardom since (in 2016's Rogue One), but even before all that the character was an impactful one. She was going to train Sidious in her ways, but he instead stole her son, starting a decades long campaign of the NightSisters opposing Palpatine and Dooku. It isn't easy to narrow them down, but after taking a long, hard look at that galaxy far, far away, here are our picks for the five Almost every Clone Wars fan agrees that the best thing to happen to the show was the plucky, determined, and endlessly lovable hero, Ahsoka Tano. Travel Movies Books Food Other. Here are the six best original characters to come out of the show. He is better than Obi-wan-Kenobi since he is fast. 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